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finding my army ex!

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hey all! just wondering if you have any advice r experiences you are willing to share...

anyway when i was 14/15 (am 18 now) i met the most amazing guy who i started a kind of relationship with. anyway i hurt him coz i got scared (being only 14) and pushed him away. he later joined the army- saw him a couple of times after, never really spoke to him.

ive come to realise what a wonderful person he is and i want to get back with him. only problem is ive heard he is back from iraq and in the country. even tho he lives so far away i was wondering whether i should drive up and see him- hoping to just chat. he probably hates me, thats why i cant call, plus i havent spoken to him in 2 1/2 years. maybe if i drive up, stay at another friends who lives in the same town and hope i see him????!!!!!!

i havent a clue!

please help

leah xxx

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Well I think you should take a chance and go over and see him, whats the worst that can happen.


If you get there and he hates you or does not want to talk then you are no worse off. At least you would have tried.


If you have a contact number for him, maybe you should call first. Might save you from being disappointed if hes not about when you get there.


You say you have friends where he lives, so if you drive down and hes not about it wont be a wasted journey


I have kinda been through the same thing, when I was 18 I met a girl and feel in love, we stayed together for over a year but due to it being a long distance relationship things just didnt work out.


After the breakup (Her Choice) we didnt contact each other nor did I attempt to visit. After 2 years with NO CONTACT I decided I would drive down and see her.


It was great seeing her after such a long time, we went for a drink and had a great time together. Even though we had a great time so much had changed, I had changed and she had changed.


Most of the changes were for the best but I still kinda felt really distant from her. She wasnt the same girl I feel in love with, she had really moved on.


After seeing her I relized that all I wanted/could offer was a great friendship. The fellings I once had for her had gone & I could see that all I was still in love with the OLD her, and the OLD past we had together.


Seeing her made me relize that things could never be the same again, she told me she had missed me and wished we had of got back together within a couple of weeks.


It took me 8 months to get over her, I thought she was my soulmate.


All im trying to say is you wont no unless you give it a chance, you may feel different about him if you meet him again, on the other hand you may still have strong feelings for him and try to rebuild the relationship.


Just remember people change, some more than others.

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