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Failed again...

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Hi all,


I had my second driving test today and failed again. I wasn't disapointed as such just annoyed more than anything else. Of course my parents were disappointed in me and have made me book another straight away. I know where im going wrong, it's just that i cant seem to improve myself. When i get into the car it's like im another person, my mind tends to wander which isn't always a good thing because i loose my consentration. I don't like being told what to do is another one of my problems, i have been to the doctor to see if there was anything wrong with me or if it's my consentration i've even been to have my eyes tested in-case it's my eyes.


I have been under alot of stress lately , but my parents don't seem to see this again i suppose it's my fault because i don't tell them anything e.g. my problems and stuff. I just wish that i could pass for myself and too keep my parents happy (well to shut them up, moanig). I've also had to put up with them lecturing me about me trying to find a job for myself and it's not easy where i live to get a job, but it doesn't stop them from moaning.


Well i hope i pass my next test which is the end of next month, you know what they 3rd times a charm \ .





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Thanks for the support, i appreciate it i've only had 2 attempts but there has been an improvement so im happy about it, it's just my parents were a little disappointed but there slowly coming round. Now it's trying to find the money to pay for lessons again, because i cant keep relying on my parents for money this is why their lecturing me on getting a job which isn't easy.





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As long as you keep trying you will achieve what you want. Improvement is great, it shows that you are constantly learning from your mistakes. Learning from mistakes is what makes a person a success, dont forget that.


When i have trouble concentrating i do something to focus my mind again, i take deep breaths and think about what i am doing and what i aim to achieve by doing it. This always helps me.



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Thanks for the support also abcd1234, i am improving but it's just stupid little mistakes that i do. I know that i shouldn't do them but i do but nervous also play a large part in it so it doesn't help. I take some stuff called "Rescue Remedy" it's brilliant stuff to calm you down and seems to work sometimes but in the end it's me that taking the test and i just have to keep at it and im sure that i'll pass next time... by what my parents say i have to pass next time or their getting rid of the car that they bought me for when i passed.


If i don't then you win some, you lose some i guess.


Thanks again,



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hey dont worry about it! ive just passed my test after two failed attempts and i hade exactly (still have) the same problems as you. letting down the parents was the worst, made me book another test two mins after i failed. also i get losing my concentration, but driving isnt that simple- it is all about whats on the road at that specific time and u just have to go with the flow. u'll pass soon im sure, just dont give up.

sometimes all kinds of stuff gets me down and i also keep it bottled up- i find it easier that way, mayb not that easier to deal with, but at least i dont get all the questions etc.

try and stay happy and u'll find everything will slip into place sooner or later!

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Hey hun,


Dont worry about it at all, most people fail at least the first time and lots fail the second and third too! It doesnt mean that you are a failure, and in fact you will probabaly be a better driver by the end of it, you will have had lots of experiance!! I passed second time round, but really it can all be about luck of the draw, like depending on how good of a mood your examiner is in.-Stupid as it is.


It took my friend 9 attempts to pass his test hehe so two is fine!! Just try to relax,you will pass when they see that you are meeting their standards (which arent always the best believe me!) and plus you wouldnt want them to pass you and then crash your car or something..not saying you cant drive by any means and crashes can happen anyway..but you get the idea. You will be so excited when you pass *thinks back*


You'll be fine,just dont give up whatever you do!



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  • 1 month later...

My mom failed 4 times because she was scared to death. The fifht time, she begged the examiner to let her pass, she really wanted to accomplish this, bla, bla...


The examiner gave in and told her : OK I'll let you pass ONLY IF YOU PROMISE ME YOU WILL NEVER DRIVE IN YOUR WHOLE LIFE!!!


Then she went to buy a car and she can't live without one anymore!


You will eventually pass, don't worry!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm in a similar position..


I'm going to take my test for the 2nd time next month & have been scared of drivingfor so long. I *hate* driving with my parents, they are nervous wrecks so I've hardly had any practice. The only time I practice is when my grandma comes down which has been hasn't been much lately, since my mom got in a fight with her. I think practice is key, just keep working at it & you'll pass eventually. My dad has been tempting me with a car as well, I just want to pass so bad.. good luck! My aunt passed on her 3rd try as well, sometimes it just takes time.

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