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Popular excuses by those who cheat


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What are the most popular excuses that those who are caught cheating give to their significant others?


From what I've observed, the most popular excuse is: "It's not like I 'planned' it; it just sort of happened."


In other words, she tripped, stumbled and fell into bed with your best friend.


Any other classics?

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ive had one that wasnt really an excuse it was just

"you dont give me enough head- so i went and found it elsewhere"

that count???

Catie xx

Yes, that counts.


Is it just me, or do women tend to be most loyal to guys like that, and least loyal to guys who are (gasp!) "nice"?


Could it be that many of the women who get cheated on are their own worst enemies?

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I agree with you. I do think many women tend to be more loyal to the guy that treats them poorly rather than the nice guy who's always there to catch you when you fall. I don't understand why. Maybe women are their worst enemies.


As a recent recovering "jerkoholic", I'm learning to fall inlove with the nice guys. What are the benefits? I'm having alot more fun. My self-esteem is healthier. And I only cry when I'm about to have my period.

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As a recent recovering "jerkoholic", I'm learning to fall inlove with the nice guys. What are the benefits? I'm having alot more fun. My self-esteem is healthier. And I only cry when I'm about to have my period.


WOW, you sound like me in a nutshell, lol ... I get pretty irrational too. It's ridiculous actually. Although I think that a happy medium between a "nice guy" and a "bad boy" is the healthiest for me. I can't be with someone who is too nice. Not only does it scare me, but it makes me feel too safe and that my life is always going to be predictable. I dunno, maybe that's a recipe for disaster in the long run, lol

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i cant seem to find any nice guys who want to go out with me- its always the evil jerks that do so i have them.

im sorry to say that but where i live i have nice friends who are boys but they arnt interseted in me and im not interested in them.


Catie xxx

Considering your lack of interest in the nice guys you're already acquainted with, is it possible that the primary reason you can't "find" a nice guy willing to go out with you is that you're not really looking for one in the first place?

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I have no problem with people having their own preferences. What bugs me is that, when certain women get cheated on by a so-called bad boy, they complain about it, yet when they figure out the guy they're with is (gasp!) "nice," the first thing they do is cheat on him. I've lost count of how many times I've seen this. That's why it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to feel sympathetic when I hear women complain about how bad boys treat them. My silent reaction tends to be: "Why complain? It's not like you'd have it any other way."




I totally understand what you mean. Also, I can verify that you are at least in part, absolutely accurate. Women (myself included), tend to be more attracted to and excited by men who seem mysterious, dangerous, and unpredictable. Women are always more fascinated and intrigued by a guy who is confident and independent, a guy whose sure of himself and knows what he wants. These types of guys tend to be what I see as more of a "bad boy", only because they land with both feet on the ground and are very strong-willed. You can't push them around. When I said that I would like a "happy medium", I meant that I love a man with these qualities, yet I still like to feel comfortable in a relationship with a guy who isn't going to get bored or restless, a guy who I can talk to and feel myself around. A guy I can be vulnerable with sometimes and not feel like he's going to kick my ass out the door for being "needy" ... lol


It's just nice to have someone who does their own thing, has a life and is confident, but at the same time can spend hours in bed talking and show me his "sensitive side" every now and then. Any man who does that is all right with me.

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Hey, when you figure out why women are only faithful to the "bad boys", PLEASE let me know.


Every serious girlfriend I've ever had has told me at some point that I treated them better than anyone else ever has... but all those relationships ended with my girlfriend cheating on me, too! I can't explain that at all.

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Hey, when you figure out why women are only faithful to the "bad boys", PLEASE let me know.


Every serious girlfriend I've ever had has told me at some point that I treated them better than anyone else ever has... but all those relationships ended with my girlfriend cheating on me, too! I can't explain that at all.

I doubt women can explain it either -- hence their reputation for being impossible to understand, and hence my conclusion that most women are being hypocritical when they complain about "bad boys" being unfaithful to them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The reason women SOMETIMES cheat on their "nice guy" boyfriends has to do with being too comfortable. Let me explain:


From my experience, men who are really, really nice tend to become father figures to their girlfriends. They spoil them with love, gifts, affection, attention, security, always willing to listen and give great advice. Really nice guys are usually very predictable, sometimes needy, and are use to being in long term relationships. Sex with a nice guy is good. Sometimes really good. But it's never "break- the- bed-mindblowing-down-and-dirty-make-u-wanna-slap-your-mama-freaky-deaky" kind of sex that "bad boys" hold master degrees in. Do you feel me on this?


Women don't cheat on BB's (bad boys) because we're too stressed out wondering what the hell he's up to. BB's know how to manipulate women emotionally. In one moment they are the sweetest man on the planet, and the next they are as cold as Antartica! BB's will flirt with other women right in front of your face, and without saying a word will DARE you to say anything about it. And if you DO say anything about it, you'll be accused of being "insecure" and "jealous". BB's are TREACHEROUS in their game playing. They hold PHD's in making women feel like nothing.




Hope this shed some light on the situation.

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Indeed it did. To get loyalty from a woman, a guy must do two things: (1) give her "break-the-bed-mindblowing-down-and-dirty-make-u-wanna-slap-your-mama-freaky-deaky" sex on a consistent basis, and (2) be a jerk.


In light of this heart-warming message, is it possible that women themselves are primarily to blame for why so many guys act like jerks? Is it also possible they are contradicting themselves when they complain about nice guys being so "hard to find"?

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I would have to say YES, TMA68. Unfortunately women are at times the masters of their own misery. But PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't become a jerk to get a girl! There are women out there who want "nice guys". What i wrote is just one of MANY perspectives on this issue. The important thing to remember is to just BE yourself, have fun and BE CREATIVE. Women love creative men!


hHang in there and don't be discouraged!

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I had another thought...When women complain about not finding any "nice guys"...I've come to the conclusion that what we're actually saying is that "there are no HOT guys out there that will treat me right". Women, and this is true for MEN too, want to be coupled with a great looking partner. We are always surrounded by "nice people", but if jane or Bob is nice and short or nice and fat or nice and has no style, we don't want to be bothered. We always want what we can't have. Women and men are always overlooking AMAZING people for superficial reasons.

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I would have to say YES, TMA68. Unfortunately women are at times the masters of their own misery. But PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't become a jerk to get a girl!

I never even implied that that was my intention. I was simply making a general statement.


There are women out there who want "nice guys". What i wrote is just one of MANY perspectives on this issue.

I know it is, the point I was trying to make is that what you wrote seems to be the most common perspective. From what I've observed, it's only women who are desperate (whether it be due to lack of physical attractiveness or to having one too many kids) who have a different perspective.


The important thing to remember is to just BE yourself, have fun and BE CREATIVE. Women love creative men!

Yet when they find a creative man, they decide, no, what they really want is an "adventerous" man. Then when they find an adventerous man, they decide, no, what they really want is "ambitious" or "goal-oriented" man. Then when they get pregnant and their "creative" or "adventerous" man leaves them, they finally decide that, no, what they really want is a "nice" man.


I realize not all women are like that, but it seems the relative few who aren't are merely exceptions that call attention to the more general rule.


hHang in there and don't be discouraged!

You're jumping to the wrong conclusion here. I'm not some sex-starved teenager trying desperately to "score." I've had more than my share of experiences, thank you. I say what I say not out of "discouragement," but out of disgust; disgust because practically every female I meet over the age of 20 has at least one child by some "bad boy" who (surprise!) is no longer around. Were it not for that, I would simply be amused by this whole "bad boy" obsession most women seem to have. But when there are children involved, it's hard not to get at least a little angry and, in light of the excuses women usually give for this obsession, more than a little disgusted.

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I had another thought...When women complain about not finding any "nice guys"...I've come to the conclusion that what we're actually saying is that "there are no HOT guys out there that will treat me right".

While that may be true for some women, from what I've observed, even if a nice guy is "hot" looking, he's still likely to get cheated on the moment an even better looking "bad boy" comes along. (Although it's a fictional story, the movie, link removed, provides a perfect illustration of what I mean.) By contrast, even if a "bad boy" isn't hot looking, the woman he's with will be loyal to him no matter how many hot looking "nice guys" come her way. Again, I know there are exceptions, but that does appear to be the general rule.


Women, and this is true for MEN too, want to be coupled with a great looking partner.

No, men want to be coupled with a great looking partner. Women (generally speaking) want to be coupled with a great looking jerk. Sorry, just calling it like I see it.

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I wasn't trying to say that you were "sex starved" or "desperate" or suggest that you wern't "getting action". I was coming from a place of concern and love because many men have written about women that only

want the bad boys and decide that they are going to join ranks with the jerks. I was making no judgements about you or your sexual prowess.

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  • 2 weeks later...
"I was drunk"


In my opinion that is the WORST excuse. It is like adding insult to injury.

Oh fully, I got an even better one though! lol


"I think Im allergic to alcohol or somthing... i was drunk.. i was practically unconscious"


lol, not surprisingly, it didnt work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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