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Day 8 with NC, so far so good

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A week ago, I posted on ENA for the first time, with the extremely lengthy story of me and my ex. Today, is day 8 since I chose to go ahead with NC as advised and so far everything is going great!


That day, I've let go of rationalizing the failed relationship, reason vs emotion, and faced my inner turmoil. I think a lot of us know why or what to do when relationships end, but we hold on to that hope of reconciliation or another chance. It doesn't matter if you're the dumper or dumpee, both parties go through stages of grief, and rumination of thoughts, it's a matter of understanding and accepting that despite the efforts it isn't improving and/or someone doesn't want to continue putting effort in. It's basically, over, done, finished.


I know it's hard and easier said than done, but for those that are still fighting the inevitable, do yourself a favor and try NC. It helps tremendously in the first step towards healing and finding yourself be okay again. You're doing this to yourself, you can change how you feel.


He called Sunday night twice back to back and I ignored both calls. A very small part of me hoped that he would persist and I caught myself thinking "if it's that important he'll at least leave a message or text me to answer." He didn't. Even if he did, I'm sure I have the strength to ward off any temptation now. There is a very good reason we didn't work, he wasn't good for me, and ultimately I wasn't as happy as I could have been. Therefore, I am glad to feel that I won't falter and my drive to continue forward is beginning to feel stronger every day more than my drive to be with him was before.


I'm not even going out every day, I even stayed home this past weekend! I've had lunch and dinner dates with friends, saw a movie, went shopping, but aside from that my life hasn't really changed drastically. My mental focus however, has gone from him and the relationship to myself and I am content. I can't wait to begin classes again in the fall and to start working soon! Sometimes, you really just got to cut your losses. Two years, doesn't mean sh*t. I'm still me, I still have my life, I have my future.

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Well done! Brave girl! its wonderful to hear such a positive attitude ..keep it up, you may have times that you regress but Im sure your self awareness shall see you through..You are actually sounding relieved! In itself this is a good sign that you made a healthy decision...all the best to you...

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Hi there Incognito


Just wanting to say what a fantastic positive attitude you have here - it will serve you well!


Your original post was the longest I have EVER seen but no worries because it really helps to get all this stuff out.


Keep it up darling - you are SO gonna be ok!



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