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My privacy and feelings

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Well, my problem is my parents just don't give me enough privacy, especially my mother. I am my parents' only daughter and I have an elder brother who is currently away. I don't get to go out on my own or even with friends even though I'm 15.


Recently, I almost failed my exam but the results turned out okay. My parents just screamed at me at first. They wanted to stop my only means of entertainment, my computer. I feel like an only child now cause my brother is away and I'm the only teenager at home or the only member below the age of 37. Everybody at home seems to disapprove of what I do. Even my maid is adding oil into the fire. I feel very neglected and depressed. My schoolwork isn't helping either as teachers piled lots of work for us, which sometimes require us to stay up till the middle of the night.


I?m not usually a pessimist but I don't know why I find myself thinking about suicidal thoughts. My parents seem to notice and try to help. Unfortunately, their way of helping me is by asking their friends for extra classes for me. Sometimes, they even tell their friends about my problems. Can't they see that I want someone to talk to and keep the secret?


I know that my mum had been snooping around my things. Things in my room were a little off, some things were missing. When I question her, she acts hurt. I just don't know what to do. I don't think my brother would be help at all because I'm quite sure he'll tell my parents about me.


Just yesterday, they took me out to a hypermarket quite faraway from my state. I declined their offer at first but my mum forced me to go with her. So, I went with the maid and my parents, but all they wanted to do in the car was quarrel over small stuff and mostly ignoring me. How fun was that? What's the point of taking me out when all they wanted to do was scream at each other?


I feel like ending all this, it seems so easy a way to leave. I'm dragging myself through every day. I want to stay happy for everything and I?m trying my best. Thanks for reading. All I wanted to do was rant cause I have no one to do that to.

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Hey i know what you mean, Parents have a tendency of telling there friends there kids problems. I know because it happens still sometime with my mom. They will Eventually grow out of it the reason they do it is cause by doing so they think they will get advice to help you out. Your life is too precious to end , Its gods gift and you shouldnt take it away yourself god isnt permissive of such things. Plus your too young you have plenty of time to make up for your recent struggles every one has problems. I imagen this one is yours but take a look at the person next door to you, There is always a way to solve a problem but you cant solve a suicide.


Try to talk to your parents if you dont want to then try to get some couseling about your suicidal thoughts. It will help you alot and make you feel better about yourself.


PS you get older you might do the same thing your parents do with there kids lol (i know your thinking "no i wont") But believe me it does happen you will see why they did things, All parents do is try to protect even though they dont notice they are really annoying sometimes lol..


Take care,


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