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Almost 3 years older

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The Guy I like {Ryan} is 2 years and 9 months older than me, and has said, that if it wasn't for his dad, he would most likely go out with me. His dad says he is too old for me and won't let him go out with me... I kno there isn't much you can do, but is there anything? He didn't exactly say he liked me, but... he can't really go against his dad...i don't think that is much of an age gap, but I guess i have no say in it... anyone have any ideas on what i should do?

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Hey baby_gurl. lol I was kinda in your situation once and to this day I still don't think a 3 year gap difference was unacceptable once you're past 13 years. There will still be heaps of people out there who'll be against my views but com'on you're 14 he's 17... there's not a lotta difference there, if he's a nice guy then you'll be fine, just don't feel pressured into doing anything.


On the side note, if he loved you all that much, then he'll break the rules for you, if he doesn't that doesn't mean he doesn't feel for you at all so don't take it wrong. I guess just let it slip, you don't know him that well by the sounds of it and if he doesn't like you, then give it sometime...


Hope that helps

Happy Heb

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I agree with the post above me, 3 yrs isn't much of an difference but as the post above also said if he really likes you that much he will go against what his father says. Which sounds kinda wrong but I mean really what's so wrong with a 17 y/o datin a 14 y/o? Hell, i'm 16 and the guys I date are usually 4-5yrs older then me so whatever makes you happy.. Just be careful though if you guys do start dating when he turns 18 cuz he can get into a heap load of trouble for even dating you.

Best of Luck with whatever happens though and Dont ever let him pressure you into anything.


-Mythical Suicide-

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