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Why am i here????????

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why am i here??????????


i go to work, i pay the bills i have no religion except my own believes. i love my family!!!


i like to help people without reward because....and i dont know why as i really feel that what goes aroung comes around..


im not looking for reward or an answer..


just without religion what can i be?

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I sent you a pm, mostly because I do not know what you are asking and I don't think this is a place for me to prosyletize. But I don't think you can find the answer you want on an internet bulletin board either.

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Why do you have to be "in a religion"?

There are no rules.

Maybe your beliefs are a mixture of different religions.

I think that religion segregates people.

As long as you have faith in "your god" and are accepting of others, I don't see why you must be a member of a certain group.

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Quite honestly, regardless of whether you want an answer or not, I'm giving you one simply because I've felt the same way many, many times. Same as you.....I'm 30 years old, have a nice apartment, fiance, average job, average car, and don't much feel like I'm going to get much further than I am now. And I've gotten really depressed about it at times.


But, like you, I do the nice little things that a lot of people won't do: stop and let a car out into traffic, help a little old lady get something on a high shelf at a grocery store, LISTEN when someone just needs to talk and doesn't necessarily need an answer. And I realized that that was enough (for the most part, anyway!) because I was doing something a hell of a lot of people WOULDN'T do. I was going out of my way to help out humanity just a little bit and better someone's day. Yeah, it might sound cheesy, but that's what makes me feel good. I like knowing that I can put a smile one someone's face that might not have otherwise felt like smiling.


And I'm happy with my job, low-paying as it is right this second. Advantage? I might get a raise/promotion. I'm happy with my apartment. Advantage? It's quiet, secluded, my landlord is awesome, and it makes me happy to come home, unlike the last place I lived.


So, in a long-winded roundabout answer, I don't think there IS an answer to "why." I think the reasons we're here depend on how well we fulfull what's in our hearts, and that we try to improve our lives and the lives of those around us in some little, seemingly insignificant way every day, and reward is down the road.



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