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Why do i still have feelings, even though she said "No&

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Hi everyone,


For those who have read my previous posts about a girl that was toying with my emotions and playing games with me will know what this is about. It's taken a while to get used to the fact that she doesn't see me as anything but a friend, which she enjoyed toying with. After her Birthday Party i asked her out and she turned me down gently and she said that she was seeing someone at the time, which she wasn't. After that i still wanted to be friends with her but she was doing things that really were done to get at me and i don't understand why, even now i still don't know why she did them. I was with her today, our college is closing this week for Easter Holidays and there are "Tasters" coming to the college next week when there are no students at the college but she asked me if i'd help her because she offered to the tutors to help and she said that she would be lonely and by herself and she asked me if i'd fancy coming to help... what is she up to, one minute she's trying to wind me up and the next she's acting as if nothing has happened and she's my friend. I really don't understand why, does anyone know why she's doing this to me because it's kind of getting to me. Also were supposed to be going out for the day (as friends) over the Easter Hols but i don't know whether i should because of the way she's been acting. What do you guys, think or i should do?


Im very confused and i also like this other girl now, but my emotions are so mixed up now and im back to "Square One" and i feel like im going nowhere.


Any advice or anyone who can shed light on my problem, i'd really appreciate it.


Thanks ,


- whitefang

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This girl does not sound like a very nice person. Not only does she turn you down by lying to your face, but she uses you to avoid boredom. She is not worth your time! I suggest you give her the cold-shoulder for awhile, afterall, as your "friend" she hasn't been treating you very well.

In the meantime, try to get to know this other girl a bit more.

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I have read your previous posts and i am really sorry to hear that the things didnt happen as you hoped

I know,it is really a hard thing to do but my advise for you is forgetting her and getting to know the other girl more


I am just like you,i cant easily forget someone even if i hadnt had a romantic relationship with them.I am afraid ıf you keep on pursuing her,things will get worse for you because there is a possibilty that she will treat you worse after that

Get to know the other girl better and you'll soon forget this one.


Good luck mate

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Hi guys,


Thanks for replying. I have been giving her a bit of a cold-shoulder ever since i got turned down by her but i do say "hi" now and then when we pass but it's not often that we talk together. I know that she hasn't been the best of a "friend" but for some reason i want to keep our friendship and there is still some feelings for her in me. I told myself that she had the chance to be with me, but now and then during the day her name just pops into my head then im thinking about her. The other girl that im after now im not going to see her now for a month and that's the Easter Hols included which im going to be so bored. I have been trying to think of ways to get close to her when im at college but it doesn't seem to be working. The girl that im now after is a little younger than her (quite attractive as well) and if i do go out with this girl i wonder how she's going to feel knowing that she's sorta been replaced by a younger model. But as i said i like this girl but i still have feelings for her which im trying to get over but it's hard because i see her now and then at college it's kind of hard not avoid her. She knows that i like, but she turned me down then why is she still trying to make me jelous i just cant understand the WHY???




- whitefang

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Sounds to me like she is one of these girls who doesn't want to be with you, but yet at the same time doesn't want you to be with anyone else. That is a problem. She needs to stop stringing you along, and at the same time you need to stop allowing her to do so, and move on. What could it hurt to tell her you have different plans and go out with this other girl. Well I don't know what else to say, but good luck, and don't let her hold you down.

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Hi lil_mamarains13,


I know, i know i should let her go, but there was a time when i liked her and i wanted to be with her so much and now... well i cant have that. I have tried ingoring her but it doesn't work, there have been times when she's walked into the room where im talking with my friends and i just walked out. One of my friends knows the whole situation, she sorta comforts me it's nice to know that i have at least on person i can talk too. As much as i'd love to ingore her im on my second year nearly of my course and she'll be beginning her 3rd which means she gonna be here for a long time. I am trying with this other girl (well my trying, isn't exactly what it supposed to be lol) but im not going to see her now for a month and when she comes back i suppose could talk to her about her Hols and she's been on Work Experience so i'll have that to talk to her about so i've got something sorta to look forward too when i come back to college after Easter Hols. But it's not going to get rid of the other problem, inside i think that she knows what she's doing and she denying to herself but i cant do anything. So im going to be my normal self and just get along with everyone im sure i get over it with time (yep... a long time ).


Oh well, thanks guys .


- whitefang

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Thanks alot, it's nice to know that there are people that care and that your not the only one with the same problem this is why i love this site There always someone willing to listen to your problem even when you don't know them. The healing process has begun but there have been a few glitches on the way but "What kills you, can only make you stronger" i think that's how it goes ayway.


Thank you, your advice is very much appreciated


- whitefang

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Thanks alot, it's nice to know that there are people that care and that your not the only one with the same problem this is why i love this site There always someone willing to listen to your problem even when you don't know them. The healing process has begun but there have been a few glitches on the way but "What kills you, can only make you stronger" i think that's how it goes ayway.


Thank you, your advice is very much appreciated


- whitefang

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