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Well here's the story. When I was in the summer of 7th grade I went out with this girl. For two months we decided to break it off because we went to different schools and it wasn't going to work out. Well i meet her again the summer before 8th and we went out for another month. I had so much fun though. She was my first real girlfriend. Even though we didn't kiss or whatever it was still fun. Anyway so we broke it off the second time because i suspected her on cheating me. From different sources. I was in eighth grade i was stupid. Well anyway we keep talking through 8th grade and i tell her that i cheated on her. Just so i can get on the same boat as her. Well what a mistake that was. I found out she didnt cheat on me and i was suppose to convince her i didnt cheat. Well in 9th grade she find this other guy and we are going to the same high school. And i'm super super jealous but shes super mad at me for telling her that i cheated on her. Well in tenth grade they were still going out. And i got to meet this person. What an idiot i thought to myself. But whatever. Well guess what at the end of 10th grade he cheats on her and she is super upset. Poor girl. Well in the 11th grade i have for a class and i finally convinced her that i didn't cheat on her i just said that because i wanted to get back at her. Well I start falling love with her again. Well i was alwayz in love with her. Since 8th grade. She is one of million. But even though we flirt alot and stuff i dont think she likes me. Like i dont think she'll give me another chance. I email her and she emails me everyday. ANd we say love lotz and stuff but i know she saying that because we are best friends now. I want to be more than best friends. I love her deeply and i need to get over it. How or what should i do? I am desperate. It kills me inside. Please email me or leave a reply.

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I have told her how i feel. I told her that i loved her no matter what would happen. Now I want to move on but i just can't. I've tried so hard to get over her and it's not working. I haven't asked her recently but in november thats when i told her, but we have gotten a lot closer maybe i should ask her again. Hmm... Well most of all i just want to get over her and it is so hard.

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