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hate women want women want men hate men- NORMAL? NO? YES?

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im sure that others feel the same way- but ... are there others-( my age of 15? )

others who are female- and pretty much despise females- but want to have tons of sex with them- and sort of want to be male, want to have tons of sex with males- being the MALE of the sexual relationship--- the one with the tool-------- and also despise males at the same time?

others feel the same way? normal attitude for future full time lesbian or whatever? (and by blah blah full time lesbian i mean - are these the feelings that one would have as an adolescent female who is a homosexual but may not KNOW or may be in denial?*not make sense?* ) does it even matter?-could it be transsexual feelings? just being human?


Summed up-

I want to have sex with both men and women I WANT TO BE A MAN I want a penis- I want to be the one with all the power

but hate both men and women as groups. Any others feeling the same way? Normal?



andFOR the older women out there who may be reading- experience many other women with feelings described above?


thank you much

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Ok, if I understand what you're saying...


you have physical desire to have sex with both men and women in different ways, but despise women as a group, and hate men as a group, on a more personal level?


It honestly doesn't sound like this is much to do with sexuality per se, as the way you're seeing sex in general, it sounds like it's a means of having control and the upper hand, a form of domination where you have a sexual and physical power over someone else, male OR female.


Not trying to analyze here, but sounds like you respect men in one way as far as being stronger, but resent that, and don't have much respect for women at all and dislike them on a personal level. It's "translating" at a sexual level, but that's not something that's a given with homosexuality or bisexuality.


Not trying to pry - but how well do you relate to guys and girls on a friendship level? You've got a LOT of hormones jumping around right now - sexual fantasies are common, and how you feel you're relating to others (or how you think they see you) can really affect how those play out in your mind. I'd honestly look first at how you feel about the people around you unrelated to sex and see if there's some resentments and issues there that could be coming out this way as a sort of outlet, getting control over something you might not have gotten any kind of resolution for any other way.


Don't know if that helped or just muddied the waters more - but keep posting and see what comes from it!

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Summed up-

I want to have sex with both men and women I WANT TO BE A MAN I want a penis- I want to be the one with all the power

but hate both men and women as groups. Any others feeling the same way? Normal?



the morrigan- thank you--

yes- i have physical desire for both men and women and hate both genders as groups-


i can easily relate to more males than females- but feel more comfortable talking with females than males- ive got more male friends and enjoy being around with them more than the chicks.


so- i guess it s the need for dominance?

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Seems like you've fallen for old stereotypes...


Just cuz a guy's got a "thing" doesn't mean he has power,

the woman is the one who has power, because in the end,

she is the one that decides whether a man ever gets sex or not.

While she can have it anytime...


Just because you like one thing or the other doesn't neccessarily define or confine you into the labels of straight or lesbian either. What about bi?




Back to the power thing, guys *seem* to have power because their attitude lets them just assume that they deserve it. While women don't tend to assume that the world revolves around them, but can when they

need to.


I think a woman has much more flexibility than a man in their roles in life.



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