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im a guy with a slight problem

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now my brother moved out tonight he aint never coming back, ill only seem he every once in a while in school and we wont talk and in june hes leaving for basic training for the army, and okay i havent cried in 5 years and today when i was alone in my room i cried ive shared a room with my brother for most my life now hes gone...and on top of that the girl i like is playing mind games with me..i cried though, is this normal i shouldnt have cried im a guy wtf is wrong with me why am i crying?

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Oh God! Please don't believe that BS about guys can't and don't cry.. Like that saying... REAL MEN CRY.. I dont care what anybody says.. You're gonna miss ur brother, and you are having ur head played with who in their right mind wouldnt cry? It's a normal thing.

I've learned that sometimes crying makes you feel better inside, as weird as it may seem it does! You have to get things out somehow. So dont let anyone tell u otherwise.

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i heared that too Sebulous, i think its something to do with loosing all the toxins from the body. anyway i think that it is a normal human thing to do, dont listen to anything other people sayits all nonsense. in some ways i can relate, two of my sisters have left me to go to university and that was really hard to go through, becuase i was really close to them. at times like christmas when they come back it seems as if thinks are like when they used to live with us but then they would leave again and its really hard to see. so i guess i kinda know what you are going through.


things will get easier, trust me

~LJ =;

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