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hi, i am a bit confused...It's been a while....since things started to change. At first I got a bit upset...sad...and...very rapid change of emotions... this was when i was going out with a guy...because i get upset that he plays games too often and seems to put them in higher priority. I got hurt...upset yet i never let him go...was this being too dependant on one person?


During that time, just for fun, my friend gave me an "online personality disorder" test. This told me i had histronic, borderline and especially dependant personality disorder. Several depression online tests have said i do suffer from depression. Whether to believe them or not I'm not entirely sure... The symptoms do fit...all my friends say they do...


Recently my boyfriend broke up with me...since then I've been slacking, not bothered at school, crying for no apparent reason in class, getting less sleep, and even losing my temper at people......I dont know if it's serious or not but friends told me i should see someone for help...school councellor? I'm not entirely sure that I should because I'm not even sure if i do suffer from anything...I am just .....unhappy.... i rarely smile and if i do it's just because it makes people feel better......they keep worrying too much.....what should i do...take advice and go see the school councellor? if so, what do i say...i dont know what to do.........or should i just leave it...and do nothing because it may be nothing...

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I'm no expert but I can relate to this subject. At 21 I went right off the scale in a space of four months. Saw doctors, psychologists the works. They gave me pills and stuff. They didn't help. It was feeling so bad I wouldn't wish how I felt on anybody in the world. So I know depression quite well you might say!


Anyway.... emotions crying , anger and all that I got that too and I'm a guy! I lost my girlfriend of 4.5 years at the same time, as she couldn't cope with it. Believe me I am dependant too.


So with hind sight.......


My problem was stress, work, relationships, money the future etc and I ended up in a spiral and didn't even see it coming! The best solutions were to talk about it to friends. I shut them out for two months but in fact they were the cure all along! I read a lot of stuff about it and to be honest ended up thinking I was this or that .... even convinced myself I was schitsofrenic at one point by reading too much! So as you say take everything you read with a pinch of salt.


I know its hard to understand but this is just a phase of your life, and what amazed me was the more people I talked to about what was happening to me the more I found about 60% of the people had the same problem or knew someone that has, they just don't talk about it! Soooooo you are not alone. It just takes a little time.


Chill out. Socialize as much as possible (I mean it, you don't feel like it, but its doing you good). Get some exercise - go for walks, get some sunshine REGULARLY. Go feed the ducks! You'll feel better for it. Your dealing with a lot of pressure at the moment and maybe don't realize it (like I was). Most of all talk to your friends, like getting over a relationship the more and more you talk, you kind of let go of the problem at the same time. It works!


From what I read you are no where near like I was, I was seeing strange colors and hearing voices at some points! I can laugh about it now. Don't worry about the relationship thing, you need to get yourself back on track and relationships will sort themselves out. Think about it, just cause he doesn't like you being dependant, maybe another likes that in a girl! Didn't think of that did you!


I hope everything is cool.


Whatever you do, do not keep this bottled up, let it out and deal with it appropriately. I wouldn't go to a councilor just yet .... try other things first for a few weeks. HOWEVER if you start getting strange thoughts then go see a councilor. Maybe you know what I mean? They don't bite, you just talk!


PS - You don't say how old you are ... so i'll say it anyway just incase because its VERY important. Drugs such as the wacky backy will intensify 10 times what your feeling so keep well clear of stuff like that. Getting drunk is also a real bad idea. (I speak from experience! I've not smoked any for 9 years as a result!)


All the best ...... Jamie.

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I suffer from depression and my story is so similar to yours I won't bother to repeat. The worse point of my depression was when I broke up with me boyfriend. It was terrible and I shut down completely, only managing to cope with work simply because I needed the money. My school work suffered as I couldn't concentrate and although usually independent I had become so dependant on the boyfriend. I was put on a mild dose of prozac, simply because it had become the last alternative and after a period of time things became more stable.


The best way I can describe depression is like standing in blazing hot sunshine and not being able to feel it. The warmth is completely lost on you and you feel frozen inside. I still have breakdowns now. I'm having one at the moment. It makes me angry because I have to fight it and it takes a lot of energy, it also isolates me from my friends.


Wether or not you have depression is for you alone to judge really. See the consellors as you have nothing to lose and it will just give you an opportunity to let loose with your emotions and as condescending as they may be, they may also help you to realise some problems you may not have realised. I don't endorse nor discourage the use of antidepressants as that is a personal choice. I look forward to the day when I feel able to maintain emotional stability without them. I hope that helps you somewhat. Here if you need me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i'm sorry to hEar that.. but frm my poInt of viEw.. i thiNk u sHoulD be carry on with thiNgs in Life rather than seeking help fRm sChOol coUnsellor... i knoW is hArd to take it as uR ex-bf brOke up WitH u foR soMe disClose rEasons... and i'm Sorry to HEar that.. eitHEr way..why boTher???.... hE is so inTo hiS gaMe liFe... jUst moVe oN... and Try dO somEthiNg That iT makes u not think of hIm.. Example.. get to knOw moRe male fRiends..i'm suRe therE are gUys out there whO dON't pUt GAMES in TheiR fIrst PRioritY.. why i said that because it happened to my ex before.. hE is So inTo hiS gAminG lIFe.. i nOW rEaliSed thaT if a pErson doN opEn thEir dOOr widE enoUgh to See/appreciate thiNGs around us...oR thEre are Guys Who Are way bEtter than u Expected.. u wiLL nevEr geT things riGht and tenD to Make mistakEs..and oF coURse thAt lEads u to FrusTratioN or dEpressed over thAt siTuitiOn.. i guEss u shouLd tRy to Get thiNgs riGht Frm noW and move oN... being unhappy, depressed, Sad, loSing tEmper or thInkiNg oF him a lOt for such a guy is pointless... i hoPe foR u thE bEst in lIfe.... cheers...

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Oh, it is something obviously. It is not nothing...


It is an inherent trait of all of us that we sometimes try to label other people by our judgements. I believe that everyones' case of depression are all unique. So do not let your friends or anyone else tell you that you have some disorder. Sure, you may have most or even all of the symptoms, but every person's case needs to be treated as if it were unique. Because they are. I think they are. I go through all kinds of posts on here and try to figure out what people are really going through when they are typing all of this stuff out for us to read. Not once I have come accross two topics where the author was going through the exact kind of feelings, etc.


Anyway, it sounds like your recent breakup is putting you through some hard times. I cannot speak from experience but your best bet would be to try to get yourself more involved with your school or somewhere else.


Good luck and I hope I helped.

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