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She Loves Me, But She Thinks Being Gay Is Wrong

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I was recently dating a girl who I love very much. She talked to one of her friends who thinks homosexuality is wrong. I believe that you will not go to hell b/c of it and that it isn't wrong. She told me she loves me and that out of all the people she has ever been with I made her the happiest. She loves me but she doesnt want to do nething she thinks is wrong. What should I do I love her and want her back but I would have to convince her its not wrong and I dont know how to do that. Some one please help me, what should I tell her.

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I don't think there is anything you could do to convince her, and even if there was, I wouldn't suggest you do it. She is entitled to her own beliefs, and if she thinks being with you is wrong she could never be completely happy. I know this must be hard for you to hear, but you must try to move on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know exactly what you're going through. I've been with my partner for three years now, and we've been rolling around with the same problem since we've been together. the catch is that I'm the girl who can't accept it, and thinks it's wrong. I'm a devote Christian and have to fight my own guilt every day of my life. But I love her so much, I can't stop being with her. I truly believe that God loves us for who we are including our shortcomings. In the end, oyu have to choose what matters more to you. chioce A. feeling guilty for the rest of your life, but being happy spending your life with someone you're truly in love with. Or choice B. Walking away and feeling like an upstanding moral person, but never knowing what true love feels like. It's a tough situation, and trust me I wouldn't wish it upon anyone, but it's up to her. She may struggle with it forever. I still struggle with it and we have nearly broken up several times because of it. It's true, you can't choose who you love, but you can choose what to do about it. Good luck. I hope everything works out for the best. Trust me, if she is truly in love with you, she won't be able to walk away.

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