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i have a problem


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i like a girl who i'm sure likes me but i cant bring myself to ask her out, she hung out at my house today but i couldnt think of how to ask her out, and i'm afraid she's going to lose interest if i dont soon. can someone please help me?

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I think you should just go for it like you have nothing to lose, it will show that you are confident and that you like her at the same time. If you are really good friends with her though approach her with a question like "imagine if we went out?". Confidence goes along way with the ladies. Hope I helped.




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I had a similar problem a few months back, I guess I blew like 3 perfect opportunities to ask her out, and then after the last I was determined to ask her, it was very very difficult to do, but I just took a deep breath, and tryed to sound too much like a bumbling fool, and I just asked her straight - and she said yes!


Best of luck with it, beat the shyness!



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idfe say get to know her better if u donno her that well..just make light of the situation. read her body language look her in the eye..this is a cute wayy to ask someone out..

hey what would u do if i asked u out..read her body language n if she says yes then yall are officially together..if she kinda backs away n kinda trys to avoid the question than move on buddy

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When you talk to her, just talk to her like you would any other girl. I mean, just asking what she likes to do is even good. She may be the girl you like, but she is still just a girl. She is not some evil thing that is going to smite you if you make a mistake. Call her up and have a plan of what you want to do. Don't be spontaneous! I have tried it and it just doesn't work well.

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Suprisingly, asking her out is easy if you are friends. Just choose some low-key place, where you can talk. A movie is usually not good for a first date, because you don't talk very much. Go for a walk in a park, or ask if she wants to go to a dance at school. Don't say " do you wanna go out with me?" say " Hey, (person) would you like to go to (place) tomorrow?". Try to phase it in with a conversation, for instance, ask her about something you know she likes to do, then ask if she wants to do that sometime that week. Good luck.

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