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Ok lets see where can i start! well i like one of my good friends, but the thing about it is we are both girls. Somebody told me that she was bi and they thought she liked me by the way she would look at me and smile. Sometimes she acts like she likes me but then again sometimes she don't. One of my friends told me i just need to e-mail or write her a note and tell her that i like her and then ask her out. But what if she don't like me and she makes fun of me or something and tells everybody that i like her. So if you know what to do will u please write me back i really need some help!!!!!!!!

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Make sure you're playing the right game. For example can't mix basketballs in a football game. So first, FIND OUT for SURE if she's bi or not. And well after you find out you have two options:


Bi: Ask her out

Straight: Don't ask


So just make sure you guys are on the same level.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that u should ask her not on a "date" but, u know, as friends just to go eat dinner on a friday night or something and watch a rental movie or something and only, and i mean ONLY if u are really interested in her (cuz u have to be really concience that things may totally backfire) get ur self togheter and tell her that u like her in that other way, and remember its all in the way that u say it, cuz if u sound so serious like if somebody was dyin' then she is gonna freak, just keep it cool, trust ur self.


good look! keep us informed!!!!!!

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