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HELP please - I am fighting the urge to call!

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I am dying to call him and apologize for the last contact where I gave him a hard time. For a little more link removed story so far


Can someone please help? I feel like I took a guy who might be thinking about trying and stomped all over him! Or am I fooling myself? You could hear how irritated he was that I had called him after he had come home to a barrage of voice mail where I told him off and told him that I was leaving voice mail cause I didn't actually want to talk to him! What am I - a child?


Help! Please!

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gosh you sound like me, now you have contacted him and apologised, DO NOT CONTACT HIM!!!!!!,


leave it for at least a month, longer if you can, you probably think its easy for me to say, but trust me iv been through it in the past week, i kept pushing my boyfriend, (he was cheated on by previous g/friend and is scared he will get hurt), i thought it was completely over and i was devastated i did the no contact thing and after 9 days he text me, i was dying to reply straight away but i left it for half the day to think about what i wanted to say,


we are taking things slowly and im finding it hard not to text him but i know that it will cause more harm if i push him, and thats what you will do if you contact him again, let him sort his head and he will be more likely to come back to u!!


Good luck!!!

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THANK YOU THANK YOU! Next dilemma - we had talked this weekend about me seeing a therapist b/cause I want to understand why I am having a hard time with this. Now get this - he wants to go see the therapist with me. I told him that I was not sure that I wanted him there with me. To be honest, I can't understand WHY he would want to be there. I am afraid that he's going to do something to humiliate me like break up with me again (which I find annoying since we AREN'T together).


What should I do? Should I take him to the therapist with me? He said that he'd want to see the same therapist as me. What is going on? I am nervous as anything about this decision - can anyone help?



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I am so darn angry right now. I am angry, I think, at myself. I hate feeling like this. I am taking it out on everyone around me. I get to see the therapist tomorrow and I have to ask his advice on the ex coming to a session. I just started therapy and he did recommend 2 great books. Well, 1 great book - the other one is about the 7 principles of a happy marriage. HA! There is no relationship.


Ugh - I hate my life I hate myself. I feel like a stranger. I feel like I spent so long trying to make him happy that I have forgotten how to be happy myself. I'm on the verge of tears and I just want to blow something up. Why why why why why. What makes people do this to each other?


How do you go from being engaged and trying to move in together to this? HOW? I just want some answers. That's what therapist is for - cuz ex sure isn't talking.


GROAN. I can't tell if visiting this site is helping or hurting. All I can do is read everyone else's heartbreaks and I am convinced that he hates me. I can't stand that.


I still don't know whether to take him to therapist or not. What am I going to do? Where's the manual on this stuff? Where is the switch in my head that I can just turn this off?

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