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Jst got this from my friend


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HI peeps,


I just got this from my friend in relation to his onversation with my ex.


I said hello to Andy and pointed out that his status changed to single so I just said I was sorry to hear that and hoped that you could be friends after the split his reply was he was wanting to be friends but it was a matter of time to pass he said, and that was that which is a good thing because he is showing privacy and respect for you both. He asked how I and Gill were which I have not replied yet. I hope you can enjoy this festive time I know its hard breaking up but just lose yourself with your friends and relax/enjoy take it easy say hello to Nicki for me


I didn't ask for this update. Oh what to do. Any opinions please???



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You don't have to do anything. It sounds like the ex is respecting the fact that both of you need some time apart to heal. You should appreciate that he's doing this. And your friend's last sentence is good advice.


I know, I thought that too. It's just got me a bit mad - he decided we had a relationship, he decided that we break up and apparently he decides when we are friends. Argh Men...LOL

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Aw Cat - that sucks.


If I were you I would tell your friend that you do not want any more unasked for updates!


Tx Clabs, it sucks alright. Especially considering I told my friend I did not want to know anything the ex said - ever.


Anyway I've emailed him back asking if he (my friend) and his missus want to meet up when I go up to near where they live with my other friend. Didn't mention the ex or the email above at all. Hopefully he will get the message that I'm not interested in anything the ex has to say.

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If I get anymore messages from 'my friend' regarding 'the ex' I will politely tell him to stop. He's just a bit of a man (if you know what I mean) and doesn't realise that it's a bit insensitive.


Anyway today's events have stirred me into action and I have sent an email to a guy that my friend was trying to set me up with. We shall see what happens there

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Sounds like you are handling things pretty well hun. I agree - wait and see if you get anymore unwanted updates and then you can tell him he is an insensitive shmuck!


Good luck with this new guy - just take it slowly, ok?



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Sounds like you are handling things pretty well hun. I agree - wait and see if you get anymore unwanted updates and then you can tell him he is an insensitive shmuck!


Good luck with this new guy - just take it slowly, ok?




Thanks Mark. I wasn't handling it well up until yesterday but that message has put a new persective on things. I don't think he means it when he wants to be friends eventually after time, he just doesn't want to seem like the bad guy to our mutual friend (guilt).

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