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We're friends...but things aren't clear.

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Ok...we are just friends now. That's been the conclusion after we talked. I told him that I liked him and why. His reply was that he thought I was nice, and that I have a great personality and a lot going for me, but he's not attracted to me. Everyone says that we argue like we're already married...and we do...it's fun. His words and his actions don't always match up. Sometimes he seems really interested in me and other times he's just like ok whatever. I don't really know what to think about it all.

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Hi linekekei. Geesh, your post sounds a lot like what I was going through not too long ago. You said that sometimes he seems interested and other times he's like whatever. That will create a lof of unnecesary conflict, specially if your feelings for him remain the same. He might change his mind, you never know. If you two have a good friendship worth keeping than by all means do so but looking at other options wouldn't be a bad idea. And by options I mean guys.

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I know you probably don't like hearing from me, but when I have things to say here I normally say them (unless its something I could get in trouble for... I have done that on occasion, but when your passionate about what you believe in it is sometimes hard to make it look like you aren't forcing you beliefs on someone). You just need to chill. The guy told you what he thinks, and you need to leave it at that unless he changes his mind. If he does, then he'll be the one coming after you. Unless that happens you need to be looking somewhere else. Obsession is nothing more than lust, longing is the result of covenant, and action is the result of love. Of the three you seem to be in the first from what I've seen. But I don't know anything now do I?

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