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Need some advice

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My g/f left for new york for two months about 2 weeks ago. I know we will be fine, I have no doubts about this. The problem I have is that I really miss her adn I don't know what to do to feel better. The worst times are in the morning I really want to call her but I cant becasue of the 5 hour time difference and the fact that I don't want to smother her. We call every other day and speak by email most days, but she is very busy doing her film course so her emails are generaly short. I just feel fed up adn that all I am living for at the min is the end of april so I can see her again. I normally feel a bit better by the afternoon, when I have been at work for a few hours. By the time I get home and it's time for a phone call I feel ok again and it's great when I get to talk to her, but in the morning it all starts over again. Any advice people have as to how to get over this would be gratefully apprecaited. One last thing, when I do feel better and am having fun I sometimes feel guilty, should I?

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Hi there!


It's understandable that you miss the closeness that the two of you most likely shared during the week and wk ends, but the good news is that the separation is only for 2 months... (althought it may feel like 2 years to you right now) You're girlfriend is probably feeling the same as you, except she has a busy schedule so her time may be going faster. My suggestion would be to find things to keep you very busy and keep your mind occupied and before you know it, April will be here!!


As far as feeling guilty when you are havign fun...as long as you are not doing anything that would hurt her feelings, there is no reason to feel guilty. Having fun in life is important....make plans with friends, enjoy yourself and live life to it's fullest at all times.


Hang in there and good luck to both of you.






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I know I need to keep busy, and i try but it is so easy to sit and mope sometimes and once your started it's difficult to stop. I know two months is not long at all, but sometimes it feels like an awful long time which makes it even harder not to sit down and cry. I wish I could be like everyone else and just get on with it and not get upset. I had to drive past her house today, I nearly broke down and cryed then. I feel so stupid.

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Dude, rough times, everythign everybody else has said is right, keep yourself busy, you know shes coming back, just concentrate on that. 2 months will pass very quickly, its no consolation to you but I live in the UK and my Polish (i know its confusing!) gf has gone off to work in the caribbean until December!!!! The time will pass so quick and she'll be back in your arms before you know it.


Be strong my friend.

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