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hello alll i have been firends with this girl for a year and im going to call her later tonight and ask her out and tell her i love her how should i say this its my fist love annd im cluless i want to make her feel the same way i just dont know a good way of flatering her and telling her i love her i neeed advce plz

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Well, first do not tell her you love her when you ask her out. Just don't do it. People fall in love with those that fulfill their emotional needs, while remaining aloof, vague and independent. If you say "I love you" you are not being aloof. Far from it.


Otherwise, just ask, if you are calling to do it.

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Like Beec said... Whatever you do do not come out and say I would like to go out with you... and by the way I love you....


While I can't say for sure just by your post I would think what you are in is Lust with her... Love comes a bit later after you have spent good amount of time together and you will know when you are...


Don't come on too strong.. Just be yourself.. I am sure she likes you too.

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Hmmmm I'm going to be brutally honest with you here, I say NO...!


Not dinner,Instead aim for a casual lunch, or going to grab a bite to eat, I'll beat you to the punch on a Movie...again i say NOPE!


NO MOVIE, why i say that is b/c you get no commincation between you two watching a hour long movie, and than the date is over, stay away from that idea...and the dinner is too much, like what i said above LUNCH, find a good pizza place around, and dine in...it's just lunch after all..


heck! you can even go shopping or something like that...your not B/F G/F yet...remember that part..your just trying to show her a good time, after all girls just want to have fun, so keep that in mind, and make it something she will enjoy...if your not sure what, than start asking her what she likes.

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First of all, don't be in such a rush. There is a way to ask and know the answer before you even ask. The way is to read he body language and flirt a little, if she responds in the right ways, then you know the answer should be yes. I wish someone told me this at your age.


Do some research into body language. You can find stuff on the net, probably this sight too. Try the following links and pages with links on them:


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Look for some of your own sites too.


Once you know how to read it a bit, go use it. Make eye contact with her, smile at her when she looks at you, then walk away or talk and jsut be friendly. What to talk about? Anything that interests her, not things that you like, except her.


If she is responding in front of you, tell ehr you like, enjoy or have fun talking with her, if the response is good, say you should do it more, then if it is still positive, ask.

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