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emails of breaking up


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This is part of an email I sent to my ex, as we werent officially over and i wanted an answer



"I've been dating so I can forget about you.....but I don't want them, I want you.. I am not desperate in my feelings for you- it is sincerity- and theres a difference between the two.....I would have given you all the love and care in the world- and never cheat or treat you badly like any of the other women who have burned you in the past. I can't understand or believe how you could sleep with me for so long and just feel nothing.


I dont care about pouring my heart out, im a passionate person and im not ashamed of it. I can't imagine not kissing you again,and right now its all i want. I dont care how corny that sounds!!"


This is how he replied:


"I said no and it is still no.

Sorry but that is what it is no ifs buts or may bes"



I replied with this:


"Thankyou very much for your reply. I feel much happier now, knowing thats your final decision, and I can move on now, no worries at all. I wish you all the happiness in the world for your future."


I didnt want to give him the satisfaction of knowing i am heartbroken.


What i want to know is this:


Do they come back, and will my reply make him have second thoughts- ie the fact that i am ok about it might throw him?


We were casual sex buddies (no judgements please)


shoulda woulda coulda

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When someone doesn't want you, they don't want you. Unless they're the sadistic sort who love people wanting them; So when you act like you don't need them, they come back trying to get you to want them. If it's the latter, then you should just leave it in history and continue with your life.


But, lovely first message! I liked it a lot. Like poetry.

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Im in tears, because i cant let it go, and i just cant believe he could say no. I have chased him and chased him, and he ended it beofre, but came back 4 months later. but this just feels real, and the pain is so real


And how could he not feel anything reading my message (that i wrote at midnight last night with my eyes half closed though unable to sleep)



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I know this is hard. I am so sorry you are going thru this. You are going to meet someone else and that is when he'll come running back. He doesn't want you, that's his mistake and he has to live with it not you. You have yourself, so try to move on fast and live your life for the better. Take that passion and give it to someone who deserves it.

Love Ami

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I understand what you're going through, and I'm sorry you have to go through this. I think it shows that you're a really strong person to send him that email; regardless of his response, you put it out there one last time and showed him you loved him. That's admirable.


I know moving on is difficult; I'm still struggling after 7 months. My ex told me last month that she didn't have an ounce of love left for me and would never date me again. It was hard, but I think it's a much needed wake up call when an ex tells you that.


Right now, try to take care of yourself. I know it's easier said than done, but you're the most important person in your life. Take a hot shower or bath, listen to some soothing music, talk to your friends, and maybe read before bed to help you relax. Things will get better. Best of luck.

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