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Is it ok to call if she has never given number to me?

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There is this girl that I have been seeing on campus and talking to briefly that I think she likes me, and I would like to ask her out on a date. Although, I have never been able to speak with her alone, there has always been someone else around and I dont think that is the best time to ask a girl out when she has a bunch of friends around. Since I haven't had a chance to talk to her alone (and I don't know if I will get a chance anytime soon), I haven't been able to get her contact info from her. Although, I can easily look up her phone number (phone book or get it from someone we both know) and email address (we are in the same organization and I can pick her email address out of the group emails). So my question is: Is it alright to call or email her to ask her out on a date if she has never given that info to me, or would that seem kind of awkward to her?

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It all depends on the way she feels about you. If she's into you and you call out of the blue, it may be a bit awkward, but she'll be delightfully surprised. However, if she feels differently she may be a little creeped up. I suggest you wait a bit longer and keep trying to get her in person alone.

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I agree with cherrylicious. I wouldn't mind if someone called me out of the blue but other people might be a little freaked about it. My advice is ask her group of friends to go out with your group of friends and maybe you can get closer to her through group dates. The best thing about group dates is that you can get closer but not feel awkward because people tend to feel more nervous when it's just them and one other person.


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Dude, think about if you were a chick, and some guy you didn't really like just called you up without you giving him your number, how would you feel? Creeped out hey. Not saying she's not attracted to you, just the worst case scenario here.


I don't think you should just call her up without her giving you her number, just my opinion...

Get her alone and ask!

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I have to agree with Johnny. Nothing...and I mean NOTHING...says STALKER like some guy you don't know interrogating your friends, or researching your phone before calling you out of the blue and scaring the bejesus out of you. You saw SCREAM right?


It's a bit more uncomfortable, but a lot less phsyco if you just go up to her, swallow your fear, and talk to her in person.


And don't try to do everything at once. Feel the situation out. Small talk first, then if she's responsive, a little more small talk. THEN, eventually work your way into personal details, hobbies, likes and dislikes. Then, if everything is still going well, end it like this...


"Hey you know what? It's been great talking to you, but I gotta run off and do *insert thing to do here*. Lemme get your number so we can talk some more later."


Simple. Effective. Effective because you just had a great conversation, but if you linger too long you'll run out of things to say, then the situation will get awkward. So, leave on a high note. Leave when it's going good. Go away...think of more to say...then talk to her later.


Also, if you notice, you've just created the impression that you are too busy to talk to her right this minute. Chicks hate not being the center of attention. Throw her some crumbs. Leave on your terms. It'll make her want to see you again because subliminally you just took control of the situation away from her. Girls hate that too. They have a million tricks...you need to use them against them. When was the last time a girl you were REALLY into suddenly cut you off in mid sentence, then bailed on you? Remember that, "Wait! Come back!" feeling you had? She'll have that same feeling.


Also, this goes with taking control...subliminally...don't ASK for her number. TELL her for her number. You're not asking...if you ask, it gives people the choice of saying yes or no. If you TELL, in a suggestive sort of way, people's natural instinct is to do what you tell them. She'll give you the number before she even knows why she's getting out the pen!!




Lemme know how that works. TRY IT. You'd be surprised how people react to a man with confidence.

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I do not think that is cool In my school and in my mind that is considered a stalker, if you already had it and lost it then that would be cool, but since she never gave it to u, you should not do it, just come out of your shell and ask her, recently i bought a book on shyness and i plan on reading it cover to cover to get over mine. Hope this helps a lil

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