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Her Birthday Soon + Beating Shyness

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Well, I've only been going out with this girl for a little while now... a few weeks at best (only been out a couple of times though, cause we're both very busy), but we have heaps of fun together, and I really like her.

Anyway, her birthday is coming up in a little over a month... and I was wondering what I should do for it.

I don't want to do anything too big, since we won't have been going out that long... but then, I don't want to do anything too small though, either


Also, we are both pretty shy... like, there are few times when we run out of things to talk about together, but we're both still trying to break through the shyness barrier when it comes to physical contact.

We can hold hands (piece of cake... lovely cake, at that ) and I really would like to kiss her, but it's difficult. I don't really know how, and neither does she, hehe... and even though I've read about "how" from this site... it doesn't really help in the actual situation, you know.

Also, kissing her might be made harder because she is pretty short, and I am pretty tall...


Any tips, suggestions, or advice on these two dilemmas of mine would be really appreciated. As usual, thanks a bunch everyone

P.S. She really loves Sonic The Hedgehog, and chocolate if that's any help; and she's only turning 16, so I don't want to give her anything too serious.

I am sure there will be some nice easter chocolates around, perhaps I could get some heart-shaped ones or something... but then, she generally receives a lot of chocolate for her birthday (due to the timing)... Hmmm...

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I just gone through a scenerio exactly like this 2 months ago.

I was seeing a girl I like and out of the blue she told me her birthday is in 2 days! The only thought in my mind is --- "Oh boy, I got to find her something in 2 days!" With the help of my friends, I dig into my memory and try to find any clues to what she might like for her birthday. Finally I remember she like to do extreme sports but her friends aren't that crazy to do it unless it's a birthday or something. So I looked up the net and found a rock climbing place within her driving distance. She got the gift and loved it!

Rule of thumb is -- Get something thoughtful. Or something the 2 of you can do together.


Unfortunately the 2 of two are under 18, so my next advise might not work very well. (I was 29 and she's 26) A whole bunch of us went clubbing and I drove her home (and 2 of her friends), when I drop her off, she was trying to give me a hug in front of her house, (I have not kissed her at this point, and she said she's not aware I liked her as more than a normal friend).

I hugged her and kissed her (on the cheek, it's a dumb ass move), but she got the idea.

I would advise to kiss her on the lips, (even a peck on the lips), it's the only day in the year that's perfectly allowed! (ok, other than New Years Eve, which is 9 months away).And it would clearly indicate you like/love her. Kissing on the cheek could be easily interperupted as a friendly birthday kiss. I made that mistake but thankfully her cousin saw the whole thing and made my GF realize it's NOT a friendly kiss!

Rule of Thumb -- Kiss her on the lips, it's allowed on the birthday!

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Let me comment on the shyness and the kissing first. Why are you affraid of kissing her? You hold hands, she goes out with you... what more do you need? Just place on hand at her ear, pull her towards you (gently) and kiss her. Size doesn't matter, carmen electra and dennis rodman dated, didn't they? Do it while you sit next to her (in a car) or something.


For the birthday, don't overdo it, this might scare her off. I suggest taking her to a concert you and her like or something like that, so she knows you like it too and doesn't feel awkward.


Good luck.

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Hmm, thanks guys

Yeah... I guess I am not really afraid to kiss her (not like with some girls)... but I am just inexperienced...

As for the birthday present, well, I am sure I'll figure out something... it's still a while away, so I've got a bit of time. She didn't really dump the info on me like that either... I have known her for a while before we started going out, and I knew very well that her birthday is coming up.


Anyways, it's all food for thought... thanks again

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You can do something as stated that you both enjoy and end the day off with either a place where you sit down and talk and confess. If there's some awkwardness, that's your cue to move in for the kiss and just hold each other!


There's a first time for everything.. after that it's like a ritual and you may need to do more later on in the relationship to keep it from the same 'ol.

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Hmm, yeah... that's true... and the first time will be hard, no matter how I look at it. I guess it's better that we do it earlier too, as if we wait, it will be more important, and hence more pressure.


Thanks for the good advice bimmer.

I am still stuck on the birthday present though... chances are I won't be able to see her on her birthday, as she'll be with her family (and they don't know about me)... so taking her out can't really work.


I was thinking of getting her the latest Sonic game for PS2... but then, I have read bad things about the PS2 version, and it'll set me back a fair bit (need to be careful moneywise cause of uni)... also, I don't think she'd be able to play it much (she is so very busy, as am I)... and if she did, I am sure her parents would immediately know, and wonder where it came from...

So I need to give her something that shows I care, and that can't be too open. Dammit... >___


... maybe I'll bug my female friends for ideas, lol.

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