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Confusion of LOve


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has anyone here ever been confused about wether they TRULY love soemone?


or perhaps felt strongly/or love for two people simultaneosuly?


or been caught up in loving and hating someone at same time?


can evryone here say they honestly know what love is?


or maybe have some other love related confusion?

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I sure have. And I don't always see that as a sign that you aren't in love with someone. I think it can be one of two things; Either you're trying to convince yourself you are in love with someone so you can appreciate them and experience a love relationship, or you are trying to convince yourself you are not in love with them so you can move on. Sometimes you won't even know if it's one or the other.

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I have always been very clearly sure when I am in love with someone and its only happened twice. I have noticed the current love is stronger and much healthier for me than the last. I am not sure why my feelings are stronger this time to the point i can pour my heart out so clearly.

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