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ok..well heres my story.


First..I have a bf who i love very much...and i already cheated on him once..and im not aloud to do drugs anymore...according to him..


but anyways...last nite i went to this one guys house with my friend and we smoked weed..and then my friend went down in the basement with this one kid and i was left with the other...


so we were just sitting there watchin a movie but then it ended up..that he was fingering me and doing other stuff and i gave him a hand job n head...


so now i feel so guilty..but i really love my bf and he said if i ever did drugs or cheated on him again then it would be over..and i believe him becuz ive put him thru so much shit lately..


should i come clean and lose him..so should i just keep this a little secret..i kno wut the right thing to do it..but i just cant

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From the sound of your post, you are extremely young and by that I mean that you are under the age of consent. You should stop all your sexual activities. There are girls your age pregnant and I know for a fact that is something that you do not want.


You are young and have a full life ahead of you. If you truly feel guilty and need to get it off your mind then go ahead and tell him. I would like to tell you what you did was natural for someone your age. YOu seem not to know how to act in a social setting without sexuality and that is a problem with your generation. Your generation has put so much into your sexuality that you do not know how to interact with each other without sex being a part of it. People your age should just learn that life is too hard at your age to add the pressures of sex, but your generation is all about yourselves.


As for your problem, you should tell him and deal with the consequences of your actions. You have made a mistake and now you need to learn that for all your actions you have to own up to them and live with the mistakes and learn from them. Mistakes such as this are part of growing up and I hope that when you get yourself into another situation such as this then you will know how not to behave and how to behave and that you have learned from this mistake.



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People your age should just learn that life is too hard at your age to add the pressures of sex, but your generation is all about yourselves.

That is sooo true! Good Advice by the way.


I would do exactly what Neallo said earlier, and take it a step further, and get yourself tested. You don't know if the other person has something, and by going down there, you can easily contract some form of STDs. Be careful with things like these, because once you catch an STD, it'll be a problem for life.


What Neallo said, that is the simple moral of life, the safest way to keep you healthy and the person that you love.

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i suggest telling ur bf what u did , if you really care for him then you should tell him, dont wait too long before you tell him cuz that will just make things worse, just be honest and hope for the best, also i think it would be wise to stop drugs and other things, they can cause nothing but problems, for a young person. Good luck

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Yeah I agree with the other posters. You sound extremely young.


You should probably be on birth control, have yourself tested for STDS if you are going to be sexually active. Nobody can tell you to not have sex, especially if you're 17 or something. If you're going to do it, make sure that you do it right; use condoms, get the pill and make sure that you don't let a guy talk you into having sex without either.


You should be single. You do not love your boyfriend, love does not include flat-out cheating on someone twice and continually lying. Be young and free!

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Your generation has put so much into your sexuality that you do not know how to interact with each other without sex being a part of it. People your age should just learn that life is too hard at your age to add the pressures of sex, but your generation is all about yourselves.


I think this is a load of crap if you ask me, sorry mr.neallo, but i'll stick to, every individual for it's own method. Everyone is different, just because a few people wanna sex each other up, doesn't mean everyone does. Take me per instants, Me n my bf (The one and only) Are waiting until age 18 to have sex for the first time,

Well thats all, good luck

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  • 4 weeks later...

I completely agree with Neallo...."Your generation has put so much into your sexuality that you do not know how to interact with each other without sex being a part of it. People your age should just learn that life is too hard at your age to add the pressures of sex, but your generation is all about yourselves."

And I can tell that "chibi_usagi" is a part of the same generation. It really doesn't do any good to preach to them, they will have to learn the same way we all did, by experience. It's just unfortunate that all they know is sex..sex...sex. The more you give yourself (mind and body) to others, the more you cheapen yourself. I think a piece of you (speaking from a woman's point of view) is lost and never recovered with each partner/lover..... the more partners/lovers you have, the less you have to give...until there's nothing and you're numb.


In regards to the girl that posted this topic...you need to be single and play the field... or experiment or whatever it is you do for fun. In case your boyfriend is a really good guy, have respect for him and break up. Don't trash his values and give him a screwed up perception of what a relationship is. As for you... you're not a lost cause...just a lost soul... trying to make sense of this Big Bad world.. be careful and be safe.

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^ Well, that's certainly someone who is going to call you on your crap when it's necessary! I like that though ... no avoiding what you want to say. I was thinking the same thing about the pot smoking. I've had enough puffs in my life to know that marijuanna doesn't impare your ability to know what's going on.

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I have to ask are you sure oyu love him?If you did woud you have really cheated on him or did things on purpose that you know were going to hurt him?If you do love him and care about him it is time to let him go.You shouldn't cause him any more pain and yes you should tell him what you did. Coming from personal experience lying and hiding things so not to hurt someone is still lying and if they find out you are going to hurt them twice.Not only because of what you did but because you lied to them as well.I know it may not be easy but it is deffinatlley time for this to end.

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