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Need Advice first Gf dont know what to do

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hello i have been friends wiith this girl all year and now she and I are going out the only thing is i have no clue on how to act on a date or how i should kiss her because iv never been kissed, I need llike Dating 101 guys and maybe flirting 101 please help

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Hey, first of all don't worry! It will all come in time. You shouldn't feel the need to fee like an expert, especially on your first date with her. Things move slowly and the more and more you feel comfortable with her the easier things will come for you too.


First of all it's important that you seem confident around her. Don't act too shy, but don't be too cocky. Just be yourself and things should go fine. Don't put on an act, because obviously she's going out with you because she likes YOUR personality, not someone else's.


Kissing isn't a big deal. I remember when I was new to it.. I really sucked, but practice makes perfect. If you really want some major tips on it you can check out the kissing forum. Other than that, I really wouldn't worry about it. I worried about it a lot and I spent too much time worrying about it that I ignored the feelings that felt natural.. and that's bad. You just need to go with the flow, and it will come natural to you. If you're going to "make out", don't worry too much about it. Any kiss is special, no matter how it is. Just a tip, don't use too much tongue though.. barely use any.


So anyway, I don't know what else to include. There is a ton of stuff about dating and everything, but I wouldn't worry too much about that. Just make sure you're yourself and that you're confident around her and things should go fine. Just have fun, that's the most important thing. Everything else is just minor details. If you have any specific questions, I'll be happy to answer them for you in a private message or here for you. Good luck!

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