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I know she likes me...What do I do?

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Im 17 years old. There is this girl in one of my classes and who i see in the halls. She is in the grade below me. I have been told by one of her friends that she really likes me, even though I know NOTHING about her. I want to talk to her but I have no idea how to initiate it because I'm pretty sure that she knows that I know she like me (follow?). So it will be kind of awkward and I'm quite sure shes not going to initiate it herself. I really have to do this fast becasue her friends keep telling me to say hi to her.


Any help is appreciated!

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Welcome to enotalone. I hope you find the advice you're looking for here. There really are a lot of great people around here.


You really are making too much out of this. Just go and talk to the girl. Introduce yourself to her if you haven't actually meat. If you have, then ask her a question… any question… Well, I guess I should take that back. There are things you shouldn't ask, but common sense will tell you what those are. "Hi, how are you" works just fine too. Just remember that things are simpler than they appear.

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For starters, don't just talk to her because her friends want you to. You should talk to her because you want to get to know her better. If this is the case, you should quit freaking out and just be casual about it. Start off by smiling at her when you pass her in the halls, waving, saying hello, and eventually going to sit with her at lunch or something and suggesting the two of you hang out sometime to get to know each other better.

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