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Anyone ever used Wrecking Balm???

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I have a tattoo on the back of my neck and because of it I may not be able to get into the military. Things with my husband are kinda rocky so I'm checking out all my options. Anyways...I was wondering if anyone had used it. My tattoo is different shades of purple and is a couple years old. Just wanting some opinions from real people.

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What is the tattoo of? Unless it's really offensive it shouldnt be a problem, besides you got it long before you ever saw the military as an option. Besides you could just cover it with your hair right? Just keep it a little higher then shoulder length. Short enough that you cant put it in a bun, but long enough to conceal the tattoo.

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Where it's at, I can't hide it. It's a butterfly so it's not going to offend anyone. The thing that really sucks is that after basic and tech school, once I am permanant party, I could put a tattoo just about anywhere of just about anything and they wouldnt care. Just not in basic and school. How ironic...a tattoo that I got to symbolize the start of my new life is going to be what keeps me from taking the next step.

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