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How can I drop hints to him?

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Alrighty, I like this guy, and I'm not exactly sure how to try and flirt with him. We aren't in any of the same classes so its not like I can just walk from class to class and talk to him about it. I need some conversational tips. He has teased me a few times in the past few weeks, but it was like good intentions. A few people have told me that they think he likes me also, so how do I drop hints to him that I like him back?

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Send the signals with your eye contact and other body language. Eye contact, look at him, maintain it for a few seconds then look down. You are probably already doing this. It's natural. Preen when you see him, play with your hair, sit/stand up, etc. Touch him, even if it is just forearms. Compliment something about him, then tease him back. Tell him he is fun to talk to. If you are next to him, bump into him shoulder to shoulder. Just flirt.


Uncomfortable talking to him. Find out what he interests are, learn about one of them, than ask him questions, Ask him whatever to get him to talk about himself.

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