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What is your meaning of love?

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Hello everyone.

Lately i have been hearing different peoples opinions on love and i just wanted to see if anyone had different opinions on the word. You dont have to write much and all but, just put down what you think it means and if you think of it as an emotion or a just a word someone can use everyday. Please respond i would like to see all the different opinions on this subject!




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Love is so many things like...


You understand what he/she is thinking by simply holding her/his hand or by looking at facial expressions.


Love is laughing about the hard things, because you know that they are there to help and experience them with you.


Love is helping each other in every way.


Love is caring to a HUGE extent.


Love is so many things. Its like a combination of a million things. You can't explain love, you just eventually feel it. I don't think that you know you love someone until at least 3 months into relationship. I think the 3 month mark starts the "true" love stuff.



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I'm the kind of person who falls 'in love' very easily, so I wish I knew when it was just a crush or the real thing. Just when I meet someone who I really like and I'm thinking, 'I've never felt this before, he's so perfect, the last guy I liked was a total loser etc..' I meet someone else and the same thing happens. I fall so deeply that I can't see whats happening, the other person leaves and I just get hurt. It's like, i meet someone and I fall in love but I deny ever having felt that way before, then I meet someone else and I deny having felt that way.

For me love is all the things mentioned in the reply above, the last guy I was with I havn't spoken to for a year but I still feel so strongly for him. We had all the things above and more, and I have never had that before. Before its always been what i described before, you know, denying how i'd felt before. But this time I felt so comfortable around him, I didn't feel I had to lie to impress him, we never had awkward silences and we knew what the other person was trying to say just by looking at each other.

That is love, I think.

It comes in so quickly, nighttime is its domain.

So, with your head and heart it plays a lonesome game.


When no one is around, it'll take you by surprise;

It's everywhere you are, until the sun starts to rise.

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also I think that love is both a word and an emotion. Love as a word is used to describe how you feel about someone who you like deeply and who you see as a 'mate'.( as in sexual mate)

Love as a emotion is an extension to 'like'. When you 'like' someone you want to protect them and you don't want them to be hurt or upset. When you are in 'love' with someone you do all these things except your instincts are stronger and you want the person to feel the same about you. The persons feelings towards you are as important as yours to them. This person becomes top in your life, and although you may have very close friends whom you like very much, when you are in love they can never take the place of your lover as your feelings are much stronger.

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i think love can be as much as negative word as it can a positive, reason being that the whole possible meaning behing it has been manipulated and defied by SOME so that it is used as a weapon a way to gain different things.


i think love is a very strong emotion that is SHared by two people not just the one i think that its something that continues to grow but never had the ability to describe.


in some sense we learn from it, we adapt what seems to be a deffinition, i mean youve always heard me say, when were younger its simple to say i love you, the word is changed through adolescence and then as we grow.


everyone has their own meaning and never can love for one be the same for another.


well i guess thats a few of my opinions.



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^Love is not just holding hands,kissing,and saying you do.You have to feel it. you think about him/her all the time. its when you would put their life before yours. Love makes you do unthinkable things just to make one person smile. Love is one of life's blessings.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You always find love where you least expect it................

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  • 2 weeks later...

To me, you can't really give love meaning. It's more of a feeling.

Love is like your either dreaming and don't want to wake up ever again. It's like nothing else matters in life but that certain person. It's when you can't go two minutes without thinking about that person. I believe that you can love people but actlually only be in love once.

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I think love is:

When his/her smile can change the whole world and you cant resist but smile aswell; when he/she is sad you feel like the whole life is a wreck and you want to climb over mountains and swim over oceans just to make him/her feel better; u always trip over when he/she waves and says hi to you; how his/her arms fit around you soo easily; how her/his fingers find the spaces between yours; how you cant stop thinking bout her/him; how not talking to her/him for a while makes you want to die; how her/his kiss can change the whole world; how u see her/his call ID on ur phone after you had a fightl; how u never ring back instead wait till he/she rings but then cant resist and you ring each other at the same time; how hearing I LOVE YOU from him/her can make you feel like a superman.

Dis is what i think love is...but its more of a feeling, a bond between two people which cant be explained..



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