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really confused.. im wonderin if this guy is into or not..


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ok so theres this guy and im a guy too.. if u have a problem with that then just stop reading.. anyways so heres the background of it.. i met this guy freshman year through my girlfriend.. it wasnt a big thing though... it was just that people thought we looked alike so we both know who we are... i left that school.. but now i came back. So he sees me for the first time in a long time.. (we never really talked) and he made that "i know who u r face" so i was like ok so i looked at him and made the face too... its been about a month maybe.. and he always looks at me during my lunch I AM SO SURE he checks me out like im 95% sure hes doing it.. and he has a girlfriend.. and i even talked to my friend about it.. shes in my lunch and she said that he saw him lookin at me too.. and we just cant believe that he actually might be.. see at first i thought well he probably just remembers me thats it.. but now its too much looking... i kno its hard and vague to just tell u about a person and to know if they are bi or gay whateer they are.. but he does talk to a lot of girls... and he has gay qualities.. but i really really dont know.. except for the looking.. now my friend confirmed it.. but i really dont know what to do about it.. i really want to. So yeah i have his screen name and i was plannin to just im him and be like hey whos this? whataver or talk to him in the lunch line.. but i duno i get so nervous.. im really confused but there is somethin definitely going on... please someone help me TELL ME WHAT TO DO HOW TO APPROACH THIS ANYTHING!!!! PLEASE!!!

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Hi salsero,


Welcome to eNotalone.com.


This guy that you think is looking at you i take it that your worried he likes you. What i would suggest is when he looks at you at lunch time when your with a friend is to look at him when he does it just a few seconds look and carry on eat or talking with your friend. Do this and see what sort of reaction you get, later if he comes on to you or asked why you were looking at him tell that he was the one that was looking at you and you have witnesses and maybe he will confess why. Or you could get your friend to sit next you and then after lunch get them to walk up to this guy and ask him why they were looking at them. It's just a couple of ways that you could find out whether or not he's gay or bi. Or you could just go up and ask him yourself, you've probably though about doing this but said "no" to yourself.


I hope this has helped


Inu Yasha

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If you are too scared to just walk up and say "hi", get some of your mutual aquintences to get you guys talking. You have said you have talked to his GF, next time you see them together, start talking to her to get your introduction. If he is into you, the more contact you guys have the better your chances of having a moment to come out to one another. Don't feel bad about using his GF as an in, if he is gay, you'll be doing her a favor in the long run!

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