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Lately I have been feeling really weird.... I am so out of it at times, like I'm not sure what I'm doing or thinking, its almost like my body is tired, but I know i cant be becuase I get 9 hours of sleep a night. I almost start to cry at the dro of a hat or even when i get slightly frustrated.... It s weird, even my dad is worried. I just tend to stare off into space and I mean wow its scaring me..... help.......

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It is difficult to say definatively because there is not much detail in your post but what you do describe are some of the indicators of depression. This is a medical condition and depression can range from mild to chronic. I would suggest that if your feelings are starting to impact your lifestyle you should see a psychiatric specialist and discuss your symptoms with them. Mild depression is a relatively easy condition to treat.

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i'd say

a) pre-spring blues (buy and take some v. good vitamins and supplements - has helped me with my constant tiredness, i swear, a month ago i would fall asleep whenever I would sit down).

b) if you are taking any medication (if you are a girl - might be birth control) that sometimes throws you off balance.


do some blood tests - to check for anemia or some other defficiency.

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ur not alone..sorry i dont knwo if ur a girl or boy lol

well we all have our moods epecially us girls..i hate the winter blues ... Grr ive been this way..i stayed home from school because if i do i might end up carryin a pocket knife and killin my ex boyfriend..i cant stand seeing him hes just such a jerk..i found out he told everyone bout our personal life when we went out 2x..n that he was talkin *beep*..but infront of me hed play it cool..i know how u feel..ide say mind soemthing u really like to do and dont always follow the crowd..maybe have a few of ur "girls" or "boys" over and have them spend the night or all yall go to a movie or something..talkin to an adult really helps ..i talked to my teacher bout everything and its like shes a mom i never had...

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