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What’s the best way to let a girl know that you like her

inu yasha

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Hi everyone,


Ok guys and girls, I want to know either sex can answer (I don't mind, the more the better). Anyway I just want to know what's the best way to let a girl know that you like her or ways of attracting their attention. Because there's this girl that I really like, who I've liked for months and I've only really gotten to know her.


Any given advice, suggestions and tips are welcomed.




Inu Yasha

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welcome to enotalone, i agree with dude123 eye contact would be a good place to start, i would also so hey or something to her and just start of a conversation on anything, find out what she likes and what you have in common that would give you something to talk about.


hope this helps

~LJ =;

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Thanks for reply. We go to the same college, god she's beautiful and she has noticed me and i have said "hi" to her a couple of times and she's replied to me as well, so i guess that's a good start. But getting her to notice me more is the tricky part i have tried eye contact with her when i said "hi" those couple of times. I try to be around during free break at college just for me to get a glimpse of her and try and see if she can see me. But she's always hanging out with her two friends. They seem ok so i don't know if they've caught on whether i like her or not, is this a good thing?


Inu Yasha

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Thanks for the suggestions.


I know that she likes animals from a friend and also football, although im not really a footie fan but im willing to do anything to get her intrested in me. I open doors for all girls at my college so when she passes i should say something like "After you my Lady" i'd love to see her reaction. As for leaving notes for her to find i think that, that might be a little difficult seen as were always in different lecture rooms and we usually sit wherever we want or wherever is available (first come, first serve).


Thanks again


Inu Yasha

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I suppose i could but the only problem is she's constantly with two of her bestfriends and never seems to be alone whenever i want to talk to her so it's kind of hard seperating her from them. Because their the type of girls that would normally want to know whats going on and i'd rather not have them around sometimes but what can you do, their her friends. I know she has a few lectures with me but it's difficult getting a seat next to hers because they let you sit anywhere in class and i end up sitting far from her and i can only see the back of her (not that im complaining) but i'd love to see more than that in class of her. Also we have talked a couple of times in the library session but again her friends were there so i had to be careful what i was saying (their nice friends but also kind of annoying).




Inu Yasha

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