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It's been 2 months and i am still confused.

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Hi all, i have posted a few times on here about my saga with an ex. I begin to get over her and things will begin to calm down for me emotionally, that is until she calls. I haven't heard from her in a week and a half, yet i feel more confused then ever. Do i want her back? DO i want to call her? I know the "right" answer, but why can't i just let go. This girl treated me like crap, disrespected myself, my friends, and my family, yet i insist on thinking about her. Anyone know what is up with me? I could really use some good advice. It would be easy to run out and jump into another relationship, but i think that is bad if i can't resolve these obvious issues first. Advice is greatly appreciated.


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Hey man! you know i'm pretty much in the same situation ,my ex treated me like crap and so on and so on. She was a real bitch with me!!!

She played with my feelings and I think she still loves her ex and probably plans on going back with him. The thing is that , me to, i want to go back to her, call her , basically i miss her a lot, BUT they didn't treat us right

they were real bitches and the bottom line is that they just don't diserve great guys like us!!!!! I know it's hard to deal with it but if you think about it ,a girl who doesn't treat you with love and respect is just not worth it!!!!


Be Strong and KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!!!!!!

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I don't think you should go back to a relationship where she is the one controlling how you guys feel. Like the marc said she doesn't deserve you. Why go back to someone who doesn't even respect your family. I also agree with you in the fact it would be really easy in getting in another relationship cause it's so comfortable in them. It might be best to ask nicely to just not contact each other. If she doesn't want to respect that I would get caller ID. It's not fair when you are finally able to be content she wants to disrupt it. Good Luck you're gonna need it!



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