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Asking someone out


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1) Sounds good to me. It doesn't put your neck too far out, but you still find out if she's into you.

2) I think that one's best. It's going after what you want in a direct way. As long as you don't scare the girl off I think its your best chance.

3) Not so good if you ask me. Taking a jump from friend to dating is a hard move. Its best not to get too close before you start dating. It just makes things strange if you ask me.

4) That can work, but its hard to get a real date out of that. It's a good way to get to know the girl though.

5) Really don't like that one. It's just childish, but that's just me. Whatever floats your boat.

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i would have to say that these two are the best:

1) Ask for her phone number

2) Ask her out on a date


asking for her number may no always work like you want it to. i would say the absolute best would be just aking her out on a date. it's direct and it gets the point accross that you are interested and want to be more than friends.





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I don't know if there is a right way but here's an example of the wrong way. A guy asked this girl out with his hands on his head after playing basketball and said "You wanna go out?" One, he was sweating like crazy from the game, two he was surrounded by 4 other guys and the girl was surrounded by 3 of her friends.


Asking her while she is alone is probably best (at least at the beginning) after you have been dating, you can break that.



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