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What did I do to deserve this? I'm so hurt and bitter

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I am so hurt right about now. My exboyfriend did not call me on Valentine's day to say happy v day, I sent him a card for his birthday and he didn't call me to say thank you. How could he do that to me. I'm soooo bitter and hurt right now it isn't funny. What did I do to deserve this treatment? What have I done? I not know what to do anymore I'm just freaking lost. I still love him because we have been together for three years and the love don't go away that soon however, I'm reaking bitter and pissed. Ony of my friends called him just to say happy V day and he asked about me and he said that he needed to call me. But i never got the freaking phone call. So what do I do now?

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Let him be.Thats what you need to do. Not to sound harsh but to me what he is doing would indicate one thing to me.-He wants to move on.i think you should to,i agree that 3 years is a long time,but im sure he hasnt forgot about you.But on the flip side the two of you are broken up now,and unfortunately that means you are both free to do what you want to do,and dont really have any obligation to contact each other.


Did you agree to stay close or something?


I think you should leave him be,if he wants to contact you,he knows where you are im sure.Maybe he's just too hurt right now?


good luck

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What did you do? Simple, you already said it, that being the ex you put in front of the word boyfriend. I'm just speaking form what I have experienced, but if my ex were to try and get a hold of me on valentines that would be like the most depressing thing I can think of, but that's because I want my girl back and if she were to do something like that it would just be to bust my chops. Now if it was the other way around and I was the one not wanting to get back with her I still wouldn't try and do anything to get a hold of her because I would try and keep my distance to avoid letting her think there was any hope. Ether way, it isn't anything you did, its just the ex thing and there are things that aren't fair to expect out of an ex. Sorry babe but your hopes don't seem to be very realistic.

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what do you mean he might be hurting his actions are not saying that at all. one of our mutal friends called him to wish him a happy v day and he asked about me and he said that I need to call her but he never freaking did. then i was him in his car with a friends of mind.( She was in my car) anyways i turned around and was four cars behind him I went the wrong way then shorty after he made a u turn into a subdivision and i kept straight. But do you thin that iwas following him? evethought i kinda was but it is a freaking free street.

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This might say mean but if you really think about it...its not suppose to be. Well you said you were upset about your EX didnt call you on V-DAY or thank you for the card. Well thats why you are EX's Why would he call you on V-day i just dont think he would be you guyz arent together

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I meant he might be upset because he has just come out of a three year relationship? you cant really know for certain what he is feeling.but like i said,i wouldnt bother contacting him,it is obviously upsetting you.can i ask why you are still in contact with him anyway?did you say that you would remain friends?its just that usually alot of people would try not to focus on their ex's.

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I understand.But the two of you are split up now,he doesnt have to call you and you dont have to call him.It doesnt make either of you a bad person.It was thoughtful of you to send him a card,but again,you didnt have to, and you shouldnt let this get to you so much.you sound very upset by this and i wish you well but try to move on,people dont always have to do what they say they are going to do.


hope all goes well

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hey guess what he called me. but i didn't call him back. he left a message telling me to call him but i'm not going to right? but my friends says two wrongs don't make a right so......mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

i mean in the card i said that I still love you and i'm here for you so what else can i say? nothing right

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Hold on......You're being mad about a GUY forgetting Valentines Day?


Majority of us fellas could care less about this "consumer" holiday.


Unless we're 'with' someone we won't send or buy anything. There's no way in Hades that I would've bought my ex something let alone call her on v-day.


However, I will most likely send her a nice card for her B-day this month. Big difference between one's birth and a 'lovers holiday'.


Don't sweat it to much. Someday you'll meet a great guy and EVERY day will be like Valentines Day!

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I'm sorry if I sounded insensitive to your feelings and pain.


I know it hurts.


There's no need to do anything for the holidays anymore. Maybe this is the first holiday that it has actually sunk into his head that you two weren't together now. Communication is now purely optional. There are no more rules........


You'll meet a new guy very soon and I hope he gives you all the attention you deserve and need!

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