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Sorry to bring this up again but...need help


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I still feel pretty bad about what's going on with this person. I want to know how to forget it and not let it bother me. Its complicated because they are close to the family, which sucks because they are just not a nice person. they just act the way they do and get what they want, doesn't care about who's feelings they hurt and gets away with it, meanwhile I am supposed to be nice to them at family functions and go out of my way to try and be kind to them. Its really hard to deal with. Plus on the side lines I feel as though they are jelous and doing things just to be nasty. I feel pressure from the family to still be nice to this person just to keep the peace, and I want to, but I don't get anything but rudeness back from this person. Its awfully frustrating and driving me nuts worrying about it. Please, if anyone is going through anything similer or has any advice post it for me. I'd really appreiciate it. Thank you

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hey. maybe you should keep away from this person and when people are around act nice and just keep to yourself this way the person can't hurt you by copying interests or compete with you. Who needs friends like this.. people will understand if you dont want to talk to the person or associate with them.. becouse not all people can get along.. i dont get along with my stepdad - he is often jeolous of me, and does things and says things to hurt me (not physically) but mentally.. becouse he cant handle that i mite become better than him or live a better life than him. I ignore him completely and when he snarls and says put downs or nasty remarks when were alone or watever i just pretend i didnt hear him and he isnt there.. i think it hurts them back and it helps with blocking them out of ur life.. u deserve to be happy just like anyone else does. noone needs nastiness. hope this made sense to ur sito...

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Thanks a lot for the advice skater.you brought something to light that I never really thought of, and that's that I deserve to be happy too. I was just so caught up in trying to figure this person out, analizing what they say and do, trying to figure out what I did to make them act that way and if I have the right to feel the way I do, if it was my fault or what. I am just sick of it all...and I never thought of myself. Thank u.

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