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Valentine's Day Victory

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Alright so my ex called me on V-day. I was out with my friends though so I missed his call. Today I was debating on whether to call back today or wait a day or two. ( He hadn't called in almost 2 weeks prior to this. We've been split for 3.) And guess what he called instead!! We had a great talk. I had lots of fun stories to tell about things that I had done since that last time we spoke.


So here is my question... Do I call again anytime soon? Or still leave it up to him?!? No contact is good until a point . But where is that point???? Any suggestions are great!



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We need to know the details/conditions of the ending of the relationship? Who ended it? how long together? and such.

It's awesome that your out living your life, thats the way to do it-if your wanting him to want you back-then taking care of yourself is a good way to go.

good luck!


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I've posted a couple times before so I didn't want to bore people with the details again and again. We were together 8 months or so we lived together for 1/2 of that, spent a month traveling europe, and were always very happy together. The relationship turned long distance. He went through the death of a close friend and pulled away. I went to visit and he ended it. Didn't want a girlfriend, just a friend. It was quite out of the blue and very odd. That was 3 weeks ago.


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Thanks rivergirl,

hmm, it sounds like you had a pretty special relationship and fun also. My guess is he stilll wants to be yoru friend. If thats what you want than give him a call in a week or so and chat. But if you want more, don't call him and wait for him to call you. Also, he may be dealing alot with the death of his friend and wanted to hear a familiar voice, try not to read into it (the call) too much. Also, if you have hope of getting back together wouldn't it be long distance? that is something you need to think alot about and talk to friends and family about. Do not compromise your dreams & goals for a boy. Good Luck


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