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i think i lost my best friend for good help i need advice

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hi i have had a best friend for a year and a half. last year for 2 months she pulled what i called 180's. one day want the friendship, next day didnt, one day talk, next day leave me alone, changed her numbers. she came back after 2 months of playing head games. about a month ago she said she didnt want the friendship and no more chances, we work together, i'm wondering why she is looking at me if she wants nothing to do with me and if she will come back again since she has before even though she told me no more chances???? i am very lost, hurt. crying. i am totally ignoring her. i hope she comes back i miss her and care about her alot. she changed her numbers again. if i go up to her she will get me in trouble at work, she has threatened with a restraining order ( she has before also) or she will tell me to leave her alone. i gave her a e-mail. went up to her and tried to talk. she is believeing rumors. we were very close. people feel i shouldnt want her to come back but i do. i dont know what to do. i am gonna go to counseling for depression. i told her i didnt believe her and she said she wasnt coming back ever and she wasnt gonna give me back my stuff i have bought her, why would she want to keep anything that i have bought her? she has no other friends just ppl she talks to at work. her aunt, parents and boyfriend cant stand me but have no reason cuz they dont know me. i want her to come back so bad. i need advice please

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I feel for you, I am losing my best friend as well. It is a bit different because we were a couple, but let me tell you why you should listen to what I am about to tell you. We bonded right away and were as close as could be for years, but I think I helped him to much. He began to want independance, thought he didn't need me. Now he says things aren't working. But, I tell you what is, he misses our friendship very much ( we have known each other for 5 years). You say she has no other friends other than her man. I know what this is like it has happened to me over the years. This could be her problem. Maybe she needs some independence. Also, a year and a half is not as long as it seems. You may have been very close, but friendship does not rely on attraction or "love" to last. Friendships are completely about trust and you can't trust her right now. She is not giving you someone to trust, she is hurting and abusing you. Tell her you care about her, but she can not treat someone, especially someone as great as you that way. She doesn't need a restraining order against you. You need to leave her. When she is ready to give up being self centered and cold you can be there for her. For now meet some new people. I am alone right now, even though he needs me because he hurts me too much to give him my friendship. Those who truly care about us wise up, those you care about themselves, we are better off without. If you want to talk, email me email removed

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hi thanks for writing me back. she ended the friendship, not me. i am leaving her alone and figure time will tell and if she wants to ever talk she can come to me. i told her last week if she is a true friend she will come back, she told me to f-----ng leave her alone. i hope she comes back, she has before. why is she looking at me? purposely walking past me? do you feel she will come back again, she has before? write me back please

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