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why do they say that the eyes are a pathway to the soul?


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It's the kind of expression that says your eyes show a lot of emotion. You can tell by looking at someones eyes if they are happy, sad, angry, worried, etc., because the eyes can be very expressive.


And sometimes, when you know someone really well and you look them in the eye, you kinda just know what they're thinking. I don't know how to explain that but, it happens I guess!

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and what exactly can people tell by looking at your eyes?


The eyes reflect how you are feeling, and it's very hard to hide it. You'll see people smiling with their mouth but not with their eyes, for example.


I have been told I have very expressive eyes. They even change colors with intense emotions (from blue to grey or green)

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The eyes reflect how you are feeling, and it's very hard to hide it. You'll see people smiling with their mouth but not with their eyes, for example.


I have been told I have very expressive eyes. They even change colors with intense emotions (from blue to grey or green)



Yep.. It's not so much being able to see anything however your eyes show emotions that the rest of your body may not be showing. People can tell when i'm upset or mad because my eyes change colors and I have been told I get this look kinda like my eyes glaze over when i'm upset or something is bothering me. I have noticed that everyone has some kind of look in their eye when something is wrong.

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If you read a little in body language, you'll learn that while it's useful it can lie. The only thing that dosent is the eyes, if you know the person the eyes will tell you all you need to know. It's hard to explain, but it does exsist. I have a friend who has the brighest blue eyes, they really sparkle, and when she's upset/anxious they visably go darker. It's really obvious.

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I think this statement is true. I can normally tell if a guy likes me by the way he looks into my eyes. Their eyes usually get glossy & dilate. It's said when people see something they like, the pupils normally dilate and get bigger. This usually happens when you see someone you fancy or find very attractive. Basically I can tell someone's emotion by their face & the eyes do help as well.

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