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Should i go back?


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Well its like this.. tomorrow is valentines day and theres this girl in my year that i really like (im still a 16 year old) I asked her if she would like to do something with me after school but she said it was too sudden (last minute..) and she wasn't ready... plus the fact that i don't know her all that well.. sure we talk but we're on the 'just become friends' level... Afterwards she left and all my friends told me that i should forget her... 'there are more fish in the sea' but i dunno... i honestly like her... its different to how iv felt for any girl before... should i wait a couple of weeks maybe a month or so.. get to know her better.. then ask her out again? I know theres alot of talk about whats the point of waiting even possibly 2 months but i really like her and i feel she's worth it..



Give me some advice guys.. im not feeling particularly cheerful as it is

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If she is really worth it you will take the time to get to know her better, be her friend first, if you really want the relationship to last, if you two ever get together, i can tell you from experience that a friends first relationship will work out better then just asking out someone you dont know. Evidently she isnt too comfortable with dating someone she hardly knows. Give it time.

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