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Help I don't know what to do.

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I broke up with my boyfriend 5 days ago. I think that I made the biggest mistake of my life. We had been arguing alot and alot of it was my fault and he thinks that i was making his life to stressful. He says that he still wants to friends but it is so hard. I have spoken to him everyday since we broke up. I want to be friends with him. Actually being away from him has made me realize how great he was and how much I love him. Should I do the no contact and see what comes of that. Please Help

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The only thing I can say is that, remember you broke it off with him. It seems to me, that in this situation, talking about it and being honest with each other about your feelings is the best way to go. tell him how you feel and what you're thinking, let him know you feel like you made a big mistake and go from there. Good Luck!






"You can lose all your Money, You can lose all your Gold...

But you can never lose your Heart, and you can never lose your Soul..."


from "a crazy game of poker" by OAR...their music puts life in perspective!

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I told him how I was feeling and he said that he needed his space and that he loves me but is not in love with me. Should I see this as an end to the relatinship or think that maybe some where down the road we will get back together. All I can think is at least he still wants to be friends and still talks to me on the phone. Should I just let go or hope that things will eventually work out.

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I'd say it's time for no contact. As much as your going to want to talk to him, it won't bring him back and it want let you feel any better. Next time you talk to him (when or if he contacts you, not the other way around!), keep it short and let him know that you think it would be better if there was no contact. It will allow him to miss you, and allow you to move on. Trying to move on doesn't mean giving up hope...but don't let hope hurt. Think of it more like this...and it's going to sound cliche, but...If it's meant to be, it will be....if you two get back together great, if not then obviously it wouldn't have worked out anyways...there is love after love!

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