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Crazy Ex leave me alone!!

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Wow, i have been writing on this forum now for about a month. My ex left me after two years on Christmas day. In her eyes this was ok, "people breakup all the time". Her favorite way of subsiding her guilt, obviously. Anyway, she changed her number so i could not contact her. Though it wasn't like i was trying to. I have had zero contact with her, because of some great advice from this forum. Nonetheless, she has called me the last two fridays wanting to "return stuff". We used to live together so everything i WANT i got back. Clearly this was an attempt to talk. Though, yesterday the bomb came down. She called me yesterday and started badgering me about various things that went on during the relationship and even after. She was even pissed that i got MY bed back from her when it was only her roomate home. So i am the bad guy for trying to avoid contact with her. Well the conversation was not productive. She continued her rant of "all things bad" i did, and that she is still angry at me. Yet happy to be away because she is dating and having such a good time. She went as far to drop names of guys she had been hanging out with that her and i used to fight about. If this girl "hates" me why is she calling me and still ranting, even after changing her number? She hung up on me once and then shortly called me back. I would not answer so she continued to call. When i picked up her stories of her "new great life" continued. Growing bored i said to her, "since you changed your number and i have no way of contacting you, clearly you do not want me calling you right?" Her response was yes. I said," I think that is all i needed to here to move on. thank you, nice knowing you, so long". I then hung up. SOmehow i doubt this is the last i will hear from her, can anyone make some since of this mess? Thanks.

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Ah all ex's are alike huh? Mine acted in similar ways. The best thing I can tell for you to do is to get Caller ID, and program her new phone # into it. To get her new phone # without asking her is easy, just dial *69. Anyways, everytime you see her number just don't answear it. IF she doesn't get the message sooner or later, threaten her with a Restraining order because if shes this bad right now, just think how much worse it can get. Best of luck to ya.

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You ex is acting in a very immature fashion; this is not a new game and I have seen it before, apparently she wants to subside her guilt by making you feel like total crap.


Some of the stuff the guy suggested above is ok, but not foolproof.

Also, getting a court order isn't as easy as the poster above says.You should note that unless she actually does something for the cops to physically get involved you probably wouldn't be able to get any sort of court or restraining order against her.


I just wouldn't talk to her at all anymore, don't give her the slightest hint that you want to hear anything she has to say just hang up the phone.

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I'm not the greatest person to give advice, I'm just one of those 'reading' people on this forum. I tend to just read and never have the (as a woman) 'proverbial balls' to reply! but with you I felt the need.


Women... strange species. I know exactly what she is doing and its frustrating. She is angry at you for not contacting her. There comes a time when the 'dumpee' thinks 'f**k it, I'm not gonna beg no more, no matter what I say or do it isn't gonna change things.' Now she doesn't expect this to happen. She expects you to keep wanting her and so long as you keep contacting her she feels in power. Because you have been strong she thinks by calling you and telling you all about 'this fabulous new life' (if its so great why is she even bothered about phoning you?) that you will end up crying and saying how much you want her back. Which will make HER feel good.

Trust me on this one. I am female and sorry to say but a lot of my friends do this, I see it all the time. The most frustrating thing to these women is when they don't get the reaction they phoned for.

Now here is my advice to you.. change YOUR number. Oh god I would love to see her face when she tries to contact you! Don't involve police and all that. That's slightly OTT!

Be totally unavailable to her. You don't need to hear about what she's doing now. She is in the past now. You have to look into the future and it is scary without the vision of the person you love in there, but exciting to think that the person your gonna marry is out there! CUT HER OUT! like she tried to do to you.


One more thing. Isn't it great when the 'dumper' can't handle THEIR moment of weakness and contact us? now who is the stronger one????


Well done for getting this far. I hope I helped if only a little. The above statement hasn't happened to me YET. I got dumped new years day, so nearly as bad as Christmas day!

Take care and get that number changed!!

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