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Just a quick post - When proposing to someone how important is it if you have the ring with you or not. Here is my dilemma I am planning to propose to my gf someday soon. I know how picky she can be when it comes to Jewelry so I would much rather her be with me when I go looking for something for her. So I guess my question is "is it okay to just ask someone to marry you and worry about the ring etc afterwards"



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Well if she really loves you, then yea. She shouldn't care about whether she has a ring or not. It should be about YOU and HER!! Jewelry shouldn't be a big factor. And if she's picky about jewelry, then yea, propose and then take her with you to go pick it out. Also, it would be great that you 2 get to pick it out together!

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LOL......alright, being picky in general is alright, but when it comes to the engagement ring, she should be happy no matter WHAT you get her! It's not about the size of the rock (though something you can SEE is nice, of course....lol) it's what it stands for. Keep that in mind when you decide you're going to propose. If she's unhappy with the ring you get, maybe she needs to readjust her thinking a bit in regards to what's important! Just get her something nice that you can afford without putting yourself into hock. See what style of rings she wears now and try to get a similar style. A large part of asking someone to marry you IS presenting that ring, after all! Take it from me.....my fiance asked me before he got me my ring, and it was sort of a letdown that he didn't have one there when he asked.....and you can always change it later if she REALLY doesn't like it. But I'm willing to bet she'll be fine with whatever you get her, and good luck!

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Nearly every reputable jewelry store will let you exchange the ring. Confirm it with them when you buy it , but generally they will give you the full price as credit towards another ring.


So I suggest buying the ring so you have it to present to her. Then once the excitement has died down (and hopefully she says YES) you tell her you've love to take her back to the store and make sure she has exactly what she wants. Then they will size it for her and off you'll go.





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