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I am a 29 year old professional. After dating a guy for 5 months, I decided I was not happy and starting dating a new guy. I was crazy about the new guy, and then after 2 months, the old guy (still best friend) started to tell me that he wanted me back. I didn't know what to do so I stopped seeing them both for a week. Went on a date with new guy and then on Sunday I told new guy and old guy that I needed a month to myself to figure this out. I have cleared my head and decided that I wanted to be with new guy. I sent new guy a light hearted e-mail yesterday and he has not returned my e-mail


What should I do??? Please let me know your opinion......thanks!!!!!

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I honestly think you need a time for yourself and like you said, figure out what you really want.


I say that because I broke up with a girl I was dating but I started dating her right after I broke up with my ex of 3-years. I wasn't emotionally ready but wanted to be with someone...and that had an effect with the last girl.


I would take your time...even if he doesn't call.

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