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right as a few of you know i like a 22 year old and i have recently learned that he has been invited to a party- the same one that i have been invited to.

Last time we met we were very very flirty and he asked me to do a few things which regretfully i had to decline but i really wanted to.

I need help because we were both drunk and these following situations keep going through my head and i need help in wot to do with them.

1. He is attracted to me

2. He was only flirting because he was very drunk

3. He likes me but is afraid of the 7 year age gap

4. He cant remember anything he said or did at the party

5. He is just like me and flrts with every one that they see and he doesnt like me at all.

As you can see i really do need help and i need to decide:

1. Do i go to the party?

2. If i go and hes not there what will i do for the night

3. If i go and we end up talking and he likes me

4. If i go and we end up not talking

5. If i go and we end up not talking and he doesnt like me at all.

My head is seriously screwd up abput this so any advice that you give me would be grateffuly received.

pm me if you do have some advice


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i agree with music is the key if hes older than you i would stay away, as for the Q's so what if he doesn't talk to you all night go out and have a laugh anyway, if he cant be bothered to talk to you then he obvioulsy isnt worth talking to. if he would be so ignorant to then just screw him, hes the one who will loose.


~LJ =;

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