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My husband acting single? or not a fahter yet?

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My husband who is 27 y/o and we have a 2 month old baby. He has been going out every Friday night with his dad or whomever to check out bands I means its okay with me if she was one or two y/o or even 6 months old but she is only 2 months and I need his help I don't want to keep asking her sitter who lives with us to either watch her when I'm doign something around the house or help me when we're already home...hmm not sure...


He's been going out almost every Friday while the baby and I go to church when the weather is decent. When the weather isn't all that great I end up staying home with her. Do I have any right to tell him how I feel? I feel like he gets to do whatever he wants and has the upperhand with doing whatever and whenever he wants.


Is it wrong that I tell him to stay home while I go to church. I wouldn't be going to church unless I have to. I am helping with our church youth group with their upcoming banquet. I am one of the coordinators for a special segment. I'm not mad that he's not going with me. I guess I'm just upset about him not taking responsibility. This whole youth group thing will be done in less than a month. It's not going to be every Friday. I mean it was okay the first couple of times, but now it's just getting old. Should I tell him to stay home or should I just bring the baby with me? Please help..I need some advice....thanks

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I fully agree-he may just be experiencing a bit of panic at being a young husband and new dad and somewhat "escaping", but he needs to understand that having a child is a joint venture and that his help in caring for this baby and showing him/her the love and support/nurturing he or she needs is crucial. Gently remind him that you don't have the opportunity for the outings as he does, and that it might be nice if he could take the baby sometimes so you can have a "day off" yourself. There's no reason to be truly upset-I think he might just not quite realize how his actions affect you!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Heck yea, girl!! Tell it like it is!! My fiance' and I were struggling with the same problem when our son was 6mon and on.....It was aweful....right around the time when he was about to turn one I had had enough, he was never home...the fact that he works nights made it worse....all he would do was sleep all day work all night, repeat, and on his days off he would run off in the middle of the night with his buddies...I finally got sick of it and told him how I felt about it, and that I wasn't going to live like that anymore so I told him to shape up or ship out....we ended up splitting from each other for 6mon...until he finally realized that he needed us..and he really wanted to be there for us, so I tested him, and he came out true...usually they need a little slap in the face, most men do. Im not saying go to the extreme I did...it was hell for 6mon without him...but you need to let him know its really not fair to you at all....there has to be family time, his friend time and your time...and your together alone time..and it all has to be balanced, one can't be missing or the whole thing goes off balance.

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