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I feel broken.


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I feel broken.

My heart has been broken.

My spirit has been broken.

My happiness has been broken.

I need the pain to go away.

How can someone say they love you, yet be so cold to your emotions?

How can someone say they love you, yet let you continue to break?

How can someone say they love you, yet continue to break your spirit?

How can someone say they love you, yet continue to let you be unhappy?

How can someone say they love you, yet continue to let you go through pain?

How can someone say they love you, yet do nothing when you cry and hurt from the pain?

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To the above poster, anyone can tell this girl that if a guy was jerking her around, he doesn't love her.


To the OP, your post is rather abstract but I'll just post some pop psychology stuff that you might like to think about. Humans are governed by something known as the pleasure principle. Simply put, all humans seek pleasure and wish to avoid pain.


With your boyfriend he made you feel good in the past because that made him feel good as well. That was what used to give him pleasure because he cared for you. Now, for whatever reason he's looking for pleasure elsewhere so sadly he's just going to do what it takes for himself to be happy just as he did when making you happy was what derived that sense of happiness for him. It's easy to tell yourself that you were lied to and that your scars will never heal and all that jazz but at the end of the day we're all human beings who are looking for our own happiness in life. I hope you're not emotional to the point where all this doesn't make sense to you.


Hope this helps

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