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She likes me as a friend but i really want to relationship

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hello everone, i just joined here and i have a problem, there is this girl who i love, i have loved her for 2 years and i am one of the really shy kind of people, she likes me as a friend but i really want to start a relationship with her, i would do anything to get her to like me, please give me some advice or solutions

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You said she likes you as a friend - where do you see her, at school? Socially? If you have classes with her and have the chance to catch her for a study session, see if you can get her one on one and see how she reacts to you. If you're already that far, suggest a bite to eat after or something. It's hard to suggest much without knowing how much you've talked to her and in what circumstances - more info?

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Let me give you a girls perspective on that, as I was in the same situation before.


1. No matter what you do never overwhelm her with your feelings. I know, it goes against your instinct but too much pressure will chase the girl away. Love might happen but not with constant peskying. I was pressurized into relationship by one of my friends which eventually destroyed all of his chances, and unfortunately our v. good friendship went down the drain.


2. Casual friendship is good. Although being just friends might be difficult, being a person she can rely on will definitely help. So overcome your shyness and go for low-key casual friendship. Maybe you have common people that you both know and they can introduce/better acquaint you? Parties? Common activities? Getting yourself in her radar is the most complicated thing, but with some planning it is possible.


So, you need to play your cards well: get you in her radar, be a friend but no pressure. That is the best approach; however, love may or may not happen. Thus, keep other options open too (lets call them your backup girls).

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