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Shady Women?


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Whats going on people. I met this girl about a mth ago through another female friend of mine. They are good friends as well. I had been with the girl who had introduced me to the other girl, which is why i was surprised that she would hook things up.


So me and the girl start to talk on the phone a little, things seem a ok! Now the one who hooked us up call to ask me "do you like my friend?" I simply answered yes and thought nothing of it. Now fast forward a mth, granted anyone's feelings can change, now homegirl won't even return a call or get up with me.


And now the same one who told me that the friend is feeling me is the same person now saying, "Just because she doesn't want to talk to you like that." Im like how can you say that to me when she asked you about me and you told me to go talk to her? It's like the story has been rewritten.


My only question is what do you think made the friend stop talking to me, it was too abrupt. If i didn't know any better, i'm thinking now that the one who tried to pair us, might not have really wanted that, and had now told her friend some things about me. What do you guys think?

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hey christie,


When i read this i saw a lot of possibilities and explanantions.


The first was that they both might have been toying with you from the start. Probably the first ex was behind it. Why do i think this? Because she was so eager to get her ex to go out with her good mate. BUT, this is just a possibility, and unless the girl you was recently with was as evil to play along, then it would be unlikely.


The second one i saw was the one you suggested. The first ex pulling you two apart. More of a chance on this one. Perhaps she was not doing as well as you are and became a little jealous, it did take a month+ for her to start the back-chatting. But then if she did still have some feelings for you then why did she hook up her good mate with her ex in the first place?


The third possibilty i see is that she really has gone off you. Perhaps it was your own fault or something, and your first ex is just telling you the situation with her. Or is she? Maybe she just lying and somethings up with this girl.


Either way and either alternative, theres only one solution to this, and that is to contact or get a hold of her and see whats up. Communication has always been the key to anything. You won't know whats up with her head by guessing, through us or certainly through your ex.


Good luck, contact her ASAP

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I think that you may be right. I mean it does seem very weird for the girl to have been 'all about you' and then be turned completely off. I mean, that is WHACK! But I think it also may have been bc she asked you if you liked her friend and you said yes!


I dunno... Talk with the mutual friend and see what is up!




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